Please see the Rogues Gallery post index here
This is a hand-edited index. If there isn’t a dedicated page for a subject, information is linked below that may not be linked elsewhere. Not everything listed below is related to Lyme disease pseudoscience.
It is very rare, but some quacks do eventually decide to stop grifting.
Expert review: Antiscience and ethical concerns associated with advocacy of Lyme disease. This comprehensive 2011 review published in Lancet Infectious Diseases references:
- Misinformation spread by the destructive chronic Lyme movement, including via films like Under Our Skin
- “Lyme literate” doctors, their violations of ethics or legal standards, and their many victims
- Pseudoscience groups: ILADS, Lyme Disease Association (LDA), (formerly CALDA), Global Lyme Alliance (succeeded Time for Lyme and Turn the Corner Foundation)
- IgeneX and other sources of discredited testing
- ILADS/IgeneX leaders Steven J. Harris, Joseph Burrascano, Jyotsna Shah, and Nick Harris
- Other ILADS leaders: Joseph Jemsek, Richard Horowitz, Steven Phillips, Raphael Stricker, Bernard Raxlen, Robert Bransfield, and Charles Ray Jones
- Jeffrey Wulfman (ILADS member), Ritchie Shoemaker, William T. Harvey, Anju Usman, John Roy Toth, Totada R. Shanthaveerappa, Charlene Demarco, Anthony Lionetti, JoAnne Whitaker, and James Shortt
- Harassment of scientists by conspiracy theorists, including politicians like Congressman Chris Smith and Senator Richard Blumenthal
Organizations and businesses
Amen Clinics and Daniel Amen, MD
- See also ILADS leader and Amen Clinics employee Eboni Cornish, MD
- TheKicksShrink: The Dark Truth About Dr Daniel Amen and Amen Clinics
- The Daily Beast: Brain Doctor to the Stars Labeled a ‘Snake-Oil’ Salesman
- Science-Based Medicine: Dr. Amen’s Love Affair with SPECT Scans
- Science-Based Medicine: SPECT Scans at the Amen Clinic – A New Phrenology?
- Quackwatch: Dr. Daniel Amen’s Response to Criticism on Quackwatch
- The Skeptic’s Dictionary: Daniel Amen, M.D.
- Observer: Head Case: Why Has PBS Promoted Controversial Shrink Dr. Daniel Amen?
DNA ConneXions and owner Blanche Grube (a dentist)
- Pennsylvania State Board of Dentistry: Blanche Grube Unprofessional Conduct
- Discussion of Bella Hadid’s DNA ConneXions test
Everlywell (parent company Everly Health)
- ‘Myths, Gimmicks, and Pseudoscience’: Everlywell Food Sensitivity Tests Don’t Work, Class Action Says
- Abby Langer Nutrition: Everlywell Food Sensitivity Testing – Are Food Sensitivity Tests Legit?
- Science-based Medicine: Everlywell: At-Home Lab Tests That Don’t Make Sense, 2019-06-04
- The Verge: Theranos is gone, but ads for shady tests aren’t
- STAT: A ‘Shark Tank’-funded test for food sensitivity is medically dubious, experts say, 2018-01-23
Galaxy Diagnostics
- See our page about the “chronic bartonella scam, which includes pseudoscience advocates falsely claiming that stretch marks are bartonella.
- Executives: Edward Breitschwerdt, Amanda Elam, Ricardo Maggi, Bobak Robert Mozayeni (former ILADS president), Nicole Bell
- CDC scientists found “serious flaws” in an article co-authored by Breitschwerdt, Maggi, and Mozayeni.
- IgeneX employees who have been ILADS leaders: Steven Harris, Joseph Burrascano, Nick Harris, Jyotsna Shah (see below for misconduct of Steven Harris and Burrascano)
- FDA cites IgeneX for problematic testing
- NIH discusses IgeneX unreliability for Lyme testing
- LymeScience thread: Before Theranos, there was IgeneX
- Porwancher, R. et al. Immunoblot Criteria for Diagnosis of Lyme Disease: A Comparison of CDC Criteria to Alternative Interpretive Approaches. Pathogens. 2023. (Letters by IgeneX and article authors)
- Nova Scotia Infectious Diseases Expert Group: Guidance for Primary Care and Emergency Medicine Providers in the Management of Lyme Disease in Nova Scotia
- CDC: Laboratory tests that are not recommended
- CDC: Notice to Readers: Caution Regarding Testing for Lyme Disease
ILADS and ILADEF (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society)
- UK Health Protection Agency: Report condemns ILADS guidelines
- Polish Health Ministry: ILADS method should not be used
- LymeScience tagged posts: ILADS | ILADS/ILADEF Leaders
- Psiram French: ILADS
- Psiram Germany: ILADS
- Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: In proceedings against “Lyme literate” felon Carol Ryser, MD, there was a motion to exclude testimony of ILADS leaders Daniel Cameron, Steven Harris, and Richard Horowitz.
Predatory Publisher MDPI: A vanity publisher for cranks
- So-Called “Special” Issues of Journals: Big Money for Gold OA Publishers
- Paolo Crosetto: Is MDPI a predatory publisher?
Medical Diagnostics Lab (MDL)
- We received information stating Medical Diagnostic Laboratories LLC was the “commercial laboratory” in this CDC report: Notes from the Field: Reference Laboratory Investigation of Patients with Clinically Diagnosed Lyme Disease and Babesiosis – Indiana, 2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018.
- Porwancher, R. et al. Immunoblot Criteria for Diagnosis of Lyme Disease: A Comparison of CDC Criteria to Alternative Interpretive Approaches. Pathogens. 2023.
National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA), Washington, DC
- Former NIHA employees who have been found guilty of misconduct:
- Mark McClure (dental license revoked)
- Robert B. Johnson (dental licenses revoked)
- Charles Gant (medical license suspension)
- Bruce Rind (medical board discipline for Unprofessional Conduct and other appalling conduct)
- Warren Levin (medical board discipline for quackery)
- Paul Beals, MD
- Steven Kulawy (a chiropractor)
- Barbara Solomon, MD
- Quackwatch notes that former NIHA employee Sakiliba Mines, MD was sentenced to prison for income tax evasion
- Steven Kulawy, NIHA, and NIHA’s owner Daniel Storck were sued by an intern who claimed Kulawy harassed her and touched her inappropriately. According to the intern’s amended complaint:
- “NIHA and Storck knew or should have known that Kulawy had his chiropractic license suspended due to his inappropriate touching of female patients and fondling their breasts.”
- “Given this knowledge, it was foreseeable to NIHA and Storck that Kulawy would commit battery against and sexually harass other female patients and/or employees.”
- “NIHA and Storck did not inform Ms. Evans of Kulawy’s propensity for sexual battery and sexual harassment of women.”
- In 2015, a blogger examined the NIHA web site and concluded that it “is a quack organization which strongly promotes dangerous ‘anti-vaxxer’ pseudoscience.”
R.E.D. Laboratories, UNEVX, Inc, Tatjana (Tanja) Mijatovic, Jinyu Shan, Kenny De Meirleir
- R.E.D. Laboratories locations were in Belgium and Nevada, but the Nevada CLIA certification was revoked with sanctions.
- R.E.D. Laboratories is known for selling shady testing including Phelix Phage Borrelia test and tests by The Great Plains Laboratory (now Mosaic Diagnostics).
- An unethical study promoting the Phelix Phage Borrelia test by Jinyu Shan, Ying Jia, Louis Teulières, Faizal Patel, and Martha R. J. Clokie has been thoroughly discredited.
- R.E.D. Laboratories has been associated with long-time charlatans Judy Mikovits and Kenny de Meirleir
- Judge’s decision: Revocation of CLIA certification and Medicare coverage, 2020-09-29
- For Better Science: Christian Perronne and other Chronic Lymericks
- CMS: 2020 and 2018 Lab registries (see entries for R E D Laboratories with Anton Sohn as director)
- Dr. Kenny De Meirleir is a long-time charlatan:
- Patient allegations: Forum
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij: Beruchte Vlaamse CVS-arts Kenny De Meirleir (Notorious Flemish CFS doctor Kenny De Meirleir), 2018-02-22
- Skepp: SKEPP-lid Louis Ide en Knack gaan vrijuit in zaak-professor Kenny De Meirleir
(SKEPP member Louis Ide and Knack are released in the case of professor Kenny De Meirleir), 2018-02-06 - Apache: De chronisch vermoeide portefeuille van professor De Meirleir (Professor De Meirleir’s chronically tired portfolio), 2017-10-04
- Psiram French: Kenny De Meirleir
RGCC Group (Research Genetic Cancer Center), Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy (SOT), and Ioannis Papasotiriou
- MedPage Today: Can Oligonucleotide Infusions Really Fix Lyme, Cancer, and Other Diseases?, 2024-07-05
- The Niche: US clinics selling unproven RGCC cell therapies in addition to SOT, 2024-04-16
- The Niche: US clinics widely selling unproven RNA therapy, supportive oligonucleotide therapy or SOT, from Greek firm RGCC, 2024-03-12
- RationalWiki: RGCC Test
- Psiram German: RGCC-Test
- See also: SOT peddlers like Clifford Fetters, MD and The Genesis Center
Trinity School of Natural Health (aka Trinity College of Natural Health)
- On a list of institutions whose degrees are illegal to use in Texas
- On the Degree Mill List of the GetEducated Diploma Mill Police
- Science-Based Medicine: Quack Protection Acts advance in state legislatures
- Science-Based Medicine: What does ND mean?
Under Our Skin (cult propaganda films)
- Producers included Andy Abrahams Wilson and Kris Newby
- Science-based Medicine: A Review of Under Our Skin, A Cult Classic, 2019-04-08
- ALDF: Under Our Skin reviews
- Yale School of Public Health: Yale Panel Examines Movie’s Conclusions and Claims About Lyme Disease, 2011-05-09
- World Neurology: Lyme documentary misleading, perhaps irresponsible, 2009-10
- Entertainment Weekly: Under Our Skin discussion, 2009-11-20
- AV Club: Under Our Skin review, 2009-06-18
- Dan Rodricks: MPT airing deeply flawed film about Lyme disease, 2011-06-19
- Dan Rodricks: A polemic on Lyme Disease, 2009-07-10
- Dan Rodricks: More on Lyme disease, 2009-07-14
- Current: WGBH drops Lyme disease documentary over “internal editorial concerns, 2011-06-20
- Lancet Infection Diseases: Under our skin, 2008-06
- LymeScience: Lyme disease did not cause the Sandy Hook shooting
Vibrant America/Vibrant Wellness
- Bloomberg: Vibrant America to Pay $5 Million in Blood Test Fraud Settlement
- Courtlistener: Vibrant America Lawsuit
United States
Peter Voss Abraham, DO and Christopher Peine, DO
- FTC: cease and desist letter, 2021
Neil Adelman, MD
- Texas Medical Board: Neil Adelman remedial plan, 2022
- New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners: Neil Adelman board order, 1996
Sultana Afrooz, DO and naturopathic fake doctor Susan Williams
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Sultana Afrooz unprofessional conduct, 2021
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Sultana Afrooz unprofessional conduct, 2021
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Susan Williams unauthorized/unlicensed practice, 2021
Melanie Ann Burgos Alarcio, MD
- Arizona Medical Board: Melanie Alarcio order, 2021
- Arizona Medical Board: Melanie Alarcio pharmacist complaint, 2016
George W. Allibone, MD
Rathna Alwa, MD
- Rathna Alwa discipline, 1995
Geoffrey Ames, MD
Albert Aniel, MD
Michael Arata, MD
Gregory P. Bach, DO
- ILADS board member
- Discussion on an ALS forum about Dr. Greg Bach, an ILADS leader who scammed ALS patients: original, printable
Jeffrey Boyd Baker, MD
- Idaho Supreme Court: Decision and summary regarding malpractice lawsuit
- Press coverage of malpractice lawsuit
Randy Scott Baker, MD
- Randy Baker discipline, 2010
Paul V. Beals, MD
- Maryland Board of Physician Quality Assurance: Paul Beals Discipline, 1993
- Maryland Board of Physician Quality Assurance: Paul Beals Order, 1996
- Maryland Board of Physician Quality Assurance: Paul Beals Order, 1999
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Paul Beals Discipline, 2004
- DC Board of Medicine: Paul Beals Discipline, 2005
- Pennsylvania Board of Medicine: Paul Beals License Surrender, 2006
- DC Board of Medicine: Paul Beals Discipline, 2012
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Paul Beals Order, 2013
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Paul Beals Order, 2014
- DC Board of Medicine: Paul Beals Order, 2014
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Paul Beals Order, 2016
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Paul V. Beals, M.D.
Michael Belfiore, DO
Sabra Bellovin, MD
Giuseppina Benincasa-Feingold, MD
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Giuseppina Benincasa-Feingold discipline, 2020
- Florida Board of Medicine: Giuseppina Benincasa-Feingold license suspension, 2021
Rhett Bergeron, MD
- Georgie Composite Medical Board: Rhett Bergeron Discipline, 2009
- Georgie Composite Medical Board: Rhett Bergeron Discipline, 2003
Keith Berndtson, MD
Robin Bernhoft, MD
- Quack associations: former president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, ACAM, A4M, IFM
- Medical Board of California: Robin Bernhoft license surrender, 2024
- Medical Board of California: Robin Bernhoft discipline, 2022
- Edzard Ernst: Dr. Robin A. Bernhoft and his ‘Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy’ (BHRT), 2020-09-19
Chitra Anjani Bhakta, MD
- Medical Board of California: Chitra Bhakta discipline, 2015
Tasneem Bhatia, MD
- Bhatia settled a malpractice claim for $500,000 in 2015
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Taz Bhatia
- Vaxopedia: Who is Dr. Taz?
- Dr. David Gorski: A commercial for acupuncture masquerading as news, 2015-09-01
James Robert Biddle, MD
- North Caroline Medical Board: James Biddle letter of concern, 2010
Harvey Bigelsen, MD
- Quackwatch: What Happened to Dr. Harvey Bigelsen?
- Boardman: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and that’s good enough, 2014-09-14
- Details of license surrenders and felonies, 1995
Carrie Blades, MD
- Texas Medical Board: Remedial plan, 2021
Kenneth Bock, MD
- ILADS board member
- Psiram French: Kenneth Bock
- Quackwatch: Deposition of Kenneth Bock
Marilyn Boehm, MD
Martin Dee Bonney Jr, MD
David Ralph Borenstein, MD
James R. Bowman (a Wisconsin chiropractor)
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against James R. Bowman
John Michael Bowman, MD
- Quack associations: ILADS, Institute for Functional Medicine
- Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners: John Bowman discipline, 2023
Domenick Braccia, DO and Patricia Kane (creator of The Patricia Kane Protocol, aka PK Protocol)
- “Lyme Literate” Domenick Braccia Pleads Guilty to Healthcare Fraud
- Domenick Braccia: Patient alleges “unnecessary and dangerous treatment”, “a cult-like atmosphere”
- ALS patients exploited | Domenick Braccia, Patricia Kane, Haverford Wellness Center
Robert Bradford
- Quackwatch: Robert Bradford
- Quackwatch: Some Notes on the Bradford Variable Projection Microscope
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Loon #517 Robert Bradford
Robert Bransfield, MD
- ILADS president
- Psiram French: Robert Bransfield
Heidi Breitbeil (a naturopath)
Mark Robert Brody, MD
- Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine: Mark Brody suspension of inchoate right to renew his medical license, 2023
- Rhode Island Department of Health: Mark Brody license surrender, 2021-12-08
- Rhode Island Department of Health: Mark Brody discipline, 2021-07-14
- Rhode Island Department of Health: Mark Brody discipline, 2021-04-14
Douglas G. Brooks, MD
- Kansas State Board of Healing Arts: Douglas Brooks discipline, 2017
Carol M. Brown, DO and CMB Health Specialties
- Wisconsin Medical Examining Board: Carol Brown discipline and license suspension, 2023
Monica Sava Bruenn and Sava Holistic Health
- FTC: Cease and desist letter, 2021
Karen Bullington, MD
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Karen Bullington, M.D. (Mirror)
- Texas Medical Board: Karen Bullington license surrender
Joseph Burrascano, MD
- Quack associations: Founding leader of ILADS and board member, IgeneX
- New York Times: Stalking Dr. Steere Over Lyme Disease, 2001
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Dr. Joe Burrascano Discipline, 2001
- New York Professional Medical Conduct Administrative Review Board: Joe Burrascano Determination and Order, 2002
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Joseph J. Burrascano, M.D.
- Nelson C, Hojvat S, Johnson B, et al. Concerns regarding a new culture method for Borrelia burgdorferi not approved for the diagnosis of Lyme disease. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2014.
- Medscape: Lyme Culture Test Causes Uproar, 2013
- Psiram French: Joseph Burrascano
Rashid Buttar, DO
- Wikipedia
- North Carolina Medical Board: Rashid Buttar discipline, 2019
- North Carolina Medical Board: Rashid Buttar discipline, 2010
- Science-Based Medicine: The North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, Dr. Rashid Buttar, and protecting the public from practitioners of non-science-based medicine, 2008-04-28
Aris Campbell (a naturopath)
- Aris Campbell discipline, 2011 and 2013
- Aris Campbell discipline, 2010
Daniel Cameron, MD
- A long-time ILADS leader and former ILADS president, Cameron was disciplined in the wake of charges of negligence on more than one occasion, incompetence on more than one occasion, gross negligence, gross incompetence, and failing to maintain accurate patient medical records.
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Daniel Cameron discipline, 2017
- Science-Based Medicine: “Chronic Lyme” VIP Daniel Cameron disciplined by New York medical authorities
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Loon #2633 Daniel Cameron
- Psiram German: Daniel Cameron
- Psiram French: Daniel Cameron
Jill Carnahan, MD
- FTC: Warning Letter to Dr. Jill Carnahan
Irma Rivera Chance, MD
Sri Chandra Swami, MD
- Pennsylvania Board of Medicine: Sri Chandra Swami license suspension, 2024
Henry Earle Childers, MD
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Henry Childers license NY surrender, 2024
- Delaware Board of Medical Licensure & Discipline: Henry Childers discipline, 2022
- Henry Childers Malpractice Lawsuit for patient death: complaint | decision
- Bloomberg: Dubious Alternative Lyme Treatments Are Killing Patients, 2020-10-07
- LymeScience: Ozone Therapy for Lyme: A Dangerous Scam
Pamela M. Cipriano (a nurse practitioner)
- Quack associations: ILADS, IgeneX, Richard Horowitz
- Connecticut Department of Public Health: Pamela Cipriano discipline, 2015
Kelly Lynn Cobb, MD
- Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners: Kelly Lynn Cobb discipline, 2014
Theodore J. Cole, DO
- Ohio Medical Board: Theodore Cole discipline, 2014
Leigh Erin Connealy, MD
- Quackwatch: Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D., Reprimanded by Medical Board of California
- FDA: Warning letter– Center for New Medicine/Perfectly Healthy
- Quackwatch: lawsuit discussion
- Medical Board of California: Leigh Connealy discipline, 2017
Kevin Conners (chiropractor who surrendered his license)
Eboni Cornish, MD
- Quack associations: employee of Amen Clinics, former business partner of former ILADS president Samuel Shor, ILADS treasurer, ILADS and ILADEF board member, IFM, ACAM, advisory board of Charles E. Holman Morgellons Foundation
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Eboni Cornish board notice, 2011
Pamela Jo Costello, MD
- New Mexico Medical Board: Pamela Costello action that was dismissed, 2017
William Lee Cowden, MD
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Loon #2715 W. Lee Cowden
- Quackwatch: Lee Cowden Disciplinary Action- 1996
- Quackwatch: Lee Cowden Disciplinary Action- 2002
- Quackwatch: Zyto Scanning
- Dr. Chad Hayes: Citations Needed: The curious “science” of integrative medicine
- Texas Medical Board: 1996 Disciplinary Action
- Texas Medical Board: 2002 Disciplinary Action
- Texas Medical Board: William Lee Cowden Physician Profile
- Psiram French: Lee Cowden
Gordon Crozier, DO
- Medical Board of California: Gordon Crozier license surrender, 2023
- Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine: Gordon Crozier discipline, 2021
Nooshin Darvish (licensed naturopath)
Joseph Dambrauskas, MD
- Pennsylvania Board of Medicine: License suspension, 2013
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Misconduct resulting in agreement to relinquish license, 2009
Sandra Denton, MD
Gregory Derderian, DO
- Gregory Derderian disciplinary history, 2005-2009
Charlene DeMarco, DO
- Charlene DeMarco Indictment
- US DOJ: Egg Harbor City Doctor Sentenced to 57 Months for Scheme to Defraud ALS Patients, 2007-09-05
- The Press of Atlantic City: Doctor’s ALS fraud case goes to jurors, 2006-12-07
Phillip DeMio, MD
- ILADS board member
- Franklin County Ohio Clerk of Courts of the Common Pleas: Affirmation of license revocation, 2024-11-27
- Medical Board of Ohio: Phillip DeMio accusation, 2023-03-08
- Medical Board of Ohio: Phillip DeMio license revocation, 2022-09-14
- Concerning treatment of a person with autism: Phillip DeMio, 2022-05-03
- Psiram French: Phillip DeMio
Patricia Derges, MD
- US DOJ: Former State Lawmaker Sentenced for COVID-19 Fraud Scheme at Springfield Health Care Charity, 2023-02-28
- US DOJ: Jury Convicts State Lawmaker of COVID-19 Fraud Scheme at Springfield Health Care Charity, 2022-06-28
- Missouri Independent: Missouri bill tightens licensing rules in wake of GOP lawmaker’s medical fraud conviction, 2023-05-19
Steven Devore Best, MD
Timothy Joseph Donovan, MD
- Timothy Donovan license suspension, 2017 (license later expired)
Melanie Dorion (a nurse practitioner) and Be Vital Health Center
- Virginia Board of Nursing: Melanie Dorion misconduct, 2023
David Edelberg, MD and Whole Health Chicago
- FTC: Warning letter to Whole Health Chicago
Isaac Eliaz, MD
- Medical Board of California: Isaac Eliaz discipline, 2010
Travis Elliot (a Vermont naturopath)
- Burlington Free Press: A single drop of blood: No research or FDA approval behind doctor’s testing methods
Monica Embers, PhD and collaborators
- Wormser GP, et al. Critical analysis of treatment trials of rhesus macaques infected with Borrelia burgdorferi reveals important flaws in experimental design. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2012.
- Wormser GP, et al. Critical analysis of a doxycycline treatment trial of rhesus macaques infected with Borrelia burgdorferi. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 2018.
- Wormser GP, et al. Lack of Convincing Evidence that Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Causes Either Alzheimer’s Disease or Lewy Body Dementia. Clin Infect Dis. 2021.
Derek Enlander, MD
- Derek Enlander Lawsuit | docket
- Flushing housekeeper accuses employers of subjecting her to indentured servitude
Larry Everhart, MD
- Medical Board of Ohio: Larry Everhart license revocation
Brian Fallon, MD and collaborators
- Wormser GP, et al. Lack of Convincing Evidence that Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Causes Either Alzheimer’s Disease or Lewy Body Dementia. Clin Infect Dis. 2021.
- Treatment trials back-and-forth
- Scientists respond to Brian Fallon, 2008
- Klempner MS, et al. Treatment trials for post-Lyme disease symptoms revisited. Am J Med. 2013. [responding to a paper by Brian Fallon, Eva Petkova, John Keilp, and Carolyn Britton, and a paper by Allison Delong, Barbara Blossom, Elizabeth Maloney, Steven Phillips]
- Klempner MS, et al. The reply. Am J Med. 2014. [responding to a letter by Allison DeLong, Barbara Blossom, Elizabeth Maloney, Steven Phillips and a letter by Brian Fallon, Eva Petkova, John Keilp, Carolyn Britton]
- see also: LymeScience on why long-term antibiotics are inappropriate for Lyme disease
Peter Fabulian, DO
Clifford Fetters, MD and Jerry Weber (a naturopath)
- LymeScience: ILADS Clifford Fetters conned a dying cancer patient, says complaint
- Medical Licensing Board of Indiana: Clifford Fetters complaint, 2023
- Indiana Department of Insurance: Clifford Fetters malpractice complaint and finding, 2021
- FTC: Clifford Fetters Warning letter, 2020
- WRTV: Clifford Fetters news story: “I’d like to see him lose his license”: Widowed man hopeful as state files complaint against Carmel doctor
- Fox 59: ‘False or misleading’: Indiana authorities investigating Carmel holistic doctor
- National Council Against Health Fraud: Complaint filed against physician promoting “holistic” cancer treatments
Chris Foley, MD
- Minnesota Public Radio: A Twin Cities doctor spread misinformation about COVID-19. Then he died from it
- The Guardian: ‘What do I have to lose?’: desperate long Covid patients turn to ‘miracle cures’
Bruce Kirin Fong, DO, Katrina C. Tang, MD, James William Forsythe, MD, Yiwen Yves Tang, MD, Century Wellness Clinic, and Sierra Integrative Medical Center
- Nevada Board of Pharmacy: James W. Forsythe discipline, 2024
- Did a gadolinium contrast agent used for MRIs “poison” Chuck Norris’ wife Gena?, 2017-11-22
- Quackwatch: Regulatory Actions against Katrina Tang
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Actions against James W. Forsythe, M.D. (pdf)
- Discussion of complaints against Bruce K. Fong, DO and Sierra Integrative Medical Center: Big Money In Alternative Medicine Scams?, 2009
- Reno Gazette-Journal: Maverick doctor under fire, 2006-10-08
- AP: Indicted doctor is under fire for treatments, 2006-10-08
- James Forsythe case: indictment | exhibit
- Department of Justice: Reno Doctor Charged With Introducing And Distributing Human Growth Hormone, 2006-09-28
- Century Clinic v. United States (US brief, 2000-02)
- Quackwatch: Katrina Tang deposition, 1995
- James W. Forsythe discipline, 1995-11-02
- Quackwatch: Summary of Dermatron case (mirror, 1994)
- articles: Homeopathy: A medical controversy
- Katrina Tang Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Order, 2002-12-14
- United States v. Century Clinic, Inc., 75 F. Supp. 2d 1127 (D. Nev. 1998)
- Congressional hearing: Recent trends in dubious and quack medical devices, 1992
- National Council Against Health Fraud: Mavericks groan as FDA moves against clinic, 1991-01/02
- Medical Board of California: Yiwen Yves Tang discipline, 1982
Jenny Franczak, MD
- North Carolina Medical Board: Jenny Franczak discipline, 2020
- North Carolina Medical Board: Jenny Franczak letter of concern, 2018
Martin D. Fried, MD
Charles Edward Gant, MD
- Employee of National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA)
- Quackwatch: License Suspension of Charles Gant, M.D.
Lowell Gerber, MD
- Bangor Daily News: Freeport physician disciplined for sexual relationship with patient, June 11, 2015
- Bangor Daily News: A year after suspension, Freeport physician again sanctioned by state, October 19, 2016
- Portland Press Herald: Maine medical board suspends licenses of two Portland-area doctors, July 9, 2015
- Florida Board of Medicine: Lowell Gerber Final Order, March 1, 2018
- Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine: Lowell Gerber Amendment to Consent Agreement, January 3, 2018
- Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine: Lowell Gerber Consent Agreement, October 11, 2016
- Florida Board of Medicine: Lowell Gerber Final Order, June 17, 2016
- Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine: Lowell Gerber Consent Agreement for Discipline, July 7, 2015
- Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine: Lowell Gerber Partial License Suspension, June 9, 2015
Kristi Hellenbrand (a chiropractor)
- Kristi Hellenbrand discipline for treating patients as a chiropractor without a license for about a year, 2018
Elizabeth Hesse-Sheehan (a chiropractor)
- The Seattle Times: From Woodinville to the president’s thumbs, how a false claim spreads like a virus, 2020-09-02
- Lead Stories: Elizabeth Hesse-Sheehan Fact Check, 2020-08-31
- Elizabeth Hesse-Sheehan accusation and disposition, 2011
Fouad Ibrahim Ghaly, MD, Suzanne Oh Kim, MD, Phillip Battiade (naturopath/heilpraktiker), and Infusio Beverly Hills
- Medical Board of California: Fouad Ghaly discipline, 2023
- Medical Board of California: Suzanne Oh Kim license surrender, 2023
- Medical Board of California: Fouad Ghaly discipline, 2005
- Science-Based Medicine: Bad Documentary Review: Cancer Can Be Killed
- CLD patients: Search For A Cure: The True Stories Behind Infusio’s Beverly Hills Stem Cell Start-Up
Rashida Rachel Ghauri, MD, Baber Ghauri, MD, Salus WellCare, Salus Integrative Health, and Hydrate2O
- The Philadelphia Inquirer: These doctors and nurses share COVID-19 falsehoods. They can become misinformation superspreaders.
- Rashida Ghauri and Baber Ghauri revealed themselves to be anti-vaccine quacks, and attempted to stop a woman with Down syndrome from being vaccinated. The court record documents the doctors’ bizzare beliefs: “The root cause of COVID-19 infection, says Dr. Baber Ghauri, is not a virus. It is a poor immune function.” and Rashida Ghauri “has never advised a patient to get a vaccine shot. She was not wearing a mask in court because she did not believe in its efficacy.”
James D. Gloor, MD of Rhode Island
- James Gloor license suspension, 2022
- James Gloor discipline, 2021
- James Gloor license surrender, 2020
- James Gloor discipline, 2017
Victor Gong, MD
V. John Gonino, DO
- FTC: Warning letter to John Gonino, 2020
- Texas Medical Board: John Gonino discipline, 2015
- Quackwatch and Texas Medical Board: John Gonino discipline, 2013
Eric David Gordon, MD and Gordon Medical
- Medical Board of California: Eric Gordon Discipline, 2020
- FTC: Warning Letter to Gordon Medical
- Medical Board of California: Eric Gordon Accusation and Petition to Revoke, 2018
- Medical Board of California: Eric Gordon practice restrictions, 2018
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Eric Gordon NY license surrender, 2017
- Medical Board of California: Eric Gordon Discipline, 2016
Renee Grandi, MD
- Washington Medical Commission: Renee Grandi stipulation, 2021
- Oregon Medical Board: Renee Grandi discipline, 2019
David Greene, MD and R3 Stem Cell
- FDA: FDA puts company on notice for marketing unapproved stem cell products for treating serious conditions, 2019-05-30
- Phoenix New Times: Deadly Arizona Doc Hawks Bogus Stem Cell Treatment, 2019-05-17
Andreas Grossgold, MD
- FTC: Warning letter
Martha Grout, MD
Geoffrey Gubb, MD
- Pennsylvania Board of Medicine: Geoffrey Gubb Discipline, 2011
- Virginia Medical Board: Geoffrey Gubb License Surrender, 2011
- Virginia Medical Board: Geoffrey Gubb Discipline, 2010
- Virginia Medical Board: Geoffrey Gubb Notice, 2010
- The Virginian-Pilot: Eastern Shore doctor gives up medical license, 2011-08-11
- The Virginian-Pilot: Eastern Shore doctor faces probation over Lyme disease cases, 2010-09-27
Jamey Hagan (nurse practitioner) and Platinum Wellness Center
- California Board of Registered Nursing: Jamey Hagan license revocation, 2010
- Tennessee Board of Nursing: Jamey Hagan license revocation, 2010
- Tennessee Board of Nursing: Jamey Hagan discipline, 2009
Richard Michael Hagmeyer (a chiropractor whose Illinois license expired in 2023)
- In 2014, Richard Hagmeyer (“Respondent”) was reprimanded after a judge concluded: “The Department proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent engaged in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public when he failed to make a medical record of two dates where patient E.B. received treatment in violation of Section 22 (A)(5) of the Illinois Medical Practice Act. Respondent also violated Section 22 (A) (31) to the extent that this Act requires a licensee to establish and maintain records of patient care and treatment in a professional manner.”
- According to meeting minutes of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, a case related to Hagmeyer was discussed in 2021 and 2022. Hagmeyer’s Illinois license appears to have been made “permanent inactive” around 2023. His Illinois license expired in 2023.
Clayton Allan Hansen (a chiropractor) and Hansen Health Solutions
- Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners: Clayton Hansen discipline, 2021
Evelyn “Lyn” Hanshew, MD
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Final Order, 2004-06-10
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Amended Charges, 2003-03-31
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Charges, 2003-01-08
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Modification Order, 2000-08-28
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Final Order (combined), 2000-08-28
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Final Order, 1999-07-15
- Washington Department of Health: Lyn Hanshew Charges, 1997-01-24
Steven Jeffrey Harris, MD
Jeff Harris, MD of Malibu, CA
- Medical Board of California: Jeff Harris discipline, 1997
Christopher Lien Hatlestad, MD
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Christopher Hatlestad, M.D., 2013
- Oregon Medical Board: Chris Hatlestad retirement while under investigation
- Patient mistreated by Chris Hatlestad
James Zhou Liu, Seth Robinson (a chiropractor we couldn’t find a license for), DrNaturalHealing, Inc., Tesla BioHealing, Inc., Tesla Wellness Hotel and MedBed Center, and Doctor James Zhou Liu Foundation
- Paper that should have never been published and should be retracted (PubPeer)
- New York Times: Racked by Pain and Enraptured by a Right-Wing Miracle Cure, 2024-07-28
- Associated Press: Miracle cures: Online conspiracy theories are creating a new age of unproven medical treatments, 2024-01-31
- FDA warning: Tesla BioHealing, Inc., 2023-08-10
- WTAE: What is Tesla BioHealing? Inside the Butler ‘medbed’ center, 2023-03-07
- BBC: The truth about ‘medbeds’ – a miracle cure that doesn’t exist, 2022-12-26
- FTC letter: DrNaturalHealing, Inc., 2014-09-03
- Federal lawsuit: Preister v. Tesla Biohealing, Inc. (1:23-cv-00575)
- RationalWiki: Tesla Biohealing
Carl Haese (naturopathic fake doctor)
- DOJ: Las Cruces man sentenced to 27 months for federal wire fraud, 2012-03-26
- Quackwatch: Lyme Disease Quack Convicted, 2012
Sabine Hazan, MD
- PubPeer: comments on papers
- Frontiers Chief Editors: Sabine Hazan article retraction, 2023-05-10
- Retraction Watch: Publisher investigating “serious concerns” about article on ivermectin, COVID, and the microbiome, 2023-01-26
- FDA: Sabine Hazan warning letter, 2022-02-28
- For Better Science:
- Schneider Shorts: Quack sanctioned by FDA, 2022-03-18
- Ivermectin now against COVID-19, because, 2021-10-18
- Schneider Shorts: Ivermectin, Antivaxxery, and …, 2021-07-30
- Medical Board of California: Sabine Hazan Discipline, 2007
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Sabine Hazan Discipline, 2005
- Florida Board of Medicine: Sabine Hazan Discipline, 2005
Henry Heimlich, MD
- Dr. Heimlich’s son exposed his fraud
- Circare: Induced Malariatherapy for Lyme Disease
- CDC: Update: Self-Induced Malaria Associated with Malariotherapy for Lyme Disease — Texas, 1991-10-04
- CDC: Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Imported Malaria Associated with Malariotherapy of Lyme Disease — New Jersey, 1990-12-07
Ahvie Herskowitz, MD and Anatara Medicine
- New York State Board For Professional Medical Conduct: Ahvie Herskowitz discipline, 2023
- Medical Board of California: Ahvie Herskowitz discipline, 2021
- FTC: warning letter, 2020
Andrew Heyman, MD
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Andrew Heyman discipline, 2020
Martin Charles Hinz, MD
- Retraction Watch: Publisher retracts 14 papers by Marty Hinz, 2020-03-12 (and other articles)
- Quackwatch: A Skeptical Look at Dr. Marty Hinz and His Views of “Neurotransmitter-Related Diseases”
- Quackwatch: CHK Nutrition, NeuroResearch Clinics, and Martin Hinz, M.D., Charged with Illegal Marketing
- Quackwatch: Dove Press Retracts Dr. Marty Hinz’s Articles
- Numerous disciplinary actions to be posted…
- See also Bruce Hoffman
Karima Hirani, MD
- Medical Board of California: Karima Hirani discipline, 2020
John Gregory Hoffmann, MD
Ronald Hoffman, MD
- FTC: Ronald Hoffman warning letter, 2020
Kent Holtorf, MD
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Loon #772 Kent Holtorf
- FTC: Warning letter to Holtorf Medical Group
Usha Honeyman (a naturopath and chiropractor)
- Usha Honeyman discipline, 2022
Richard Horowitz, MD
- ILADS vice-president, president-elect, and board member, scientific advisor and patron to Lyme Disease Association of Australia (Lyme isn’t endemic to Australia)
- Horowitz Lyme-MSIDS Questionnaire and similar symptom lists are not useful for diagnosis. They certainly have not been validated for diagnostic purposes
- New York State Board For Professional Medical Conduct: Order of conditions
- Dr. Harriet Hall at Science-Based Medicine: Does Everybody Have Chronic Lyme Disease? Does Anyone?
- Auwaerter PG, et al. Antiscience and ethical concerns associated with advocacy of Lyme disease. Lancet Infect Dis. 2011.
- Psiram French: Richard Horowitz
- Psiram German: Richard Horowitz
- French Association for Scientific Information: La maladie de Lyme: entre psychose et fausses informations [Lyme disease: between psychosis and false information]
Lisa Hosbein, MD
- Medical Board of California: Lisa Hosbein discipline, 2020
Jeanne Hubbach, MD
Lisa Jamila Hunt, DO
- Osteopathic Medical Board of California: Lisa Hunt, DO discipline, 2015
Christopher Hussar, DO, DDS
- Nevada Board of Osteopathic Medicine: Christopher Hussar discipline and license surrender, 2020
Cassim Igram, DO (aka Cass Ingram)
- Chicago Tribune: Chicago-area conspiracy theorist targets Sandy Hook family
- Appeals court decision, 2014
Daniel Jaller, MD
Amy Jaramillo and BodyScience Miami
- Amy Jaramillo’s Body Science LLC site is filled with unbelievable claims and mumbo jumbo.
- Amy Jaramillo is associated with the dangerous pseudoscience groups A4M and International Peptide Society.
- There doesn’t seem to be anyone protecting vulnerable patients from Amy Jaramillo’s predatory operation.
- A warning regarding Body Science Miami
Joseph Jemsek, MD
- Jemsek is another ILADS leader who has many victims.
- In view of Joseph Jemsek’s history of misconduct, the Maryland State Board of Physicians denied him a Maryland medical license in 2010. Two courts affirmed the Board’s decision.
- LA Times: A Lyme disease diagnosis gone wrong (Jemsek victim: Phillip Moore), 2010-12-27
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Joseph Jemseck, MD
- Quackwatch: Joseph Jemsek, M.D. Charged with Unprofessional Conduct
- Psiram French: Joseph Jemsek
- North Carolina Medical Board: Joseph Jemsek Letter of concern, 2008-06-23
- Forbes: Lyme, Inc. (Jemsek victim Heather Jenkins), 2007-02-23
- Journal of Medical Regulation: Case Files: What Would You Do?
- WRAL News:
- Lyme Disease Doctor Allowed To Practice With Restrictions, 2006-07-20
- Physician Suspended For Use Of Controversial Treatment, 2006-06-15
- Charlotte Doctor Accused Of Negligence In Lyme’s Diagnoses (Jemsek victims Heather Jenkins and Kathy Jabkiewicz), 2006-06-14
- Associated Press: NC doctor faces board discipline over treatment , 2006-04-16
- Lawsuit after a patient death, 2005
David Jockers (a chiropractor)
- FDA: David Jockers warning letter
- WSB-TV: Federal government says they are cracking down on metro Atlanta companies peddling ‘COVID-19 cures’
Alfred Raymond Johnson, DO
- Quackwatch: Texas Medical Board Calls Dr. Alfred Johnson‘s Allergy Treatment “Nonsensical”
- Quackwatch: Texas Medical Board Reprimands Alfred Johnson, D.O.
- Texas Medical Board: Alfred Johnson Complaint, 2007
- Texas Medical Board: Alfred Johnson Discipline, 2010
- Missouri State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: Alfred Johnson Discipline, 2010
- Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation: Alfred Johnson Refusal to Renew, 2010
- Florida Department of Health: Alfred Johnson Complaint, 2011
- Florida Department of Health: Alfred Johnson Discipline, 2012
Robert B. Johnson (a dentist)
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Actions against Robert Byron Johnson, D.M.D.
- DC Court of Appeals: Robert Johnson decision, 2017
Kurt E. Johnson, MD
Charles Ray Jones, MD
Daniel Kalb, MD
- In the matter of L.K.
- Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners: Daniel Kalb discipline, 2021
- The Daily Beast: Physician Hates Vaccines, Loves Colon Cleanses
- Respectful Insolence: A state medical board appears posed to act [LymeScience note: And didn’t]
Christopher Keroack, MD and New England Center for Functional Medicine
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD
- Psiram German: Dietrich Klinghardt
- Psiram French: Dietrich Klinghardt
- The Guardian: Fundraising appeals for the desperately ill are moving, but evidence is crucial
- All about the Tea: EXCLUSIVE: ‘RHOBH’ Star Yolanda Foster’s Quack Doctor EXPOSED For Shady Lyme Disease Treatments
- Respectful Insolence: Your Friday Dose of Woo: Applied kinesiology, but only more woo-ful
Andreas Kogelnik, MD
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Rituximab, 2019-04-16
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Rituximab Revisited, 2016-01-19
- Rituximab for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Jumping the Gun , 2013-01-08
Brent Korn, DO
- Arizona Board of Osteopathic Examiners: Brent Korn license suspension, 2016
- Quackwatch: Brent Korn, D.O., Severely Disciplined by Arizona Medical Board
Constantine ‘Gus’ Kotsanis, MD
Harriet Kotsoris, MD
- Connecticut Superior Court: Zielinsky v. Kotsoris, 2003 decision
- Connecticut Supreme Court: Shelley Zielinski et al. v . Harriet Kotsoris et al, 2006 decision (HTML version)
- Dr. Henry M. Feder Jr. M.D: Long-Term Lyme Disease Unsubstantiated
Trang Lam-Quan (a nurse practitioner)
- see also Therese Yang, MD
- California Board of Registered Nursing: Tina Trang Lam-Quan Discipline
Beth Lambert
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Loon #1865 Beth Lambert
- Science-Based Medicine: Blame and magical thinking: The consequences of the autism “biomed” movement
Robert LaCava, MD, Suzanne LaCava, RN, and The LaCava Center
- FTC: Warning letter for The LaCava Center
Michael Ledtke, MD
Hyun Joon Lee, MD
- FDA: Warning letter
John Lentz, MD
- Science-Based Medicine: Florida revokes medical license of “Lyme literate” doctor
- Quackwatch: Florida Revokes Medical License of John L. Lentz, M.D.
Steven Arthur Levin (a pharmacist) and Woodland Hills Pharmacy (Algunas, Inc)
- FDA: Warning letter, 2017-07-17
- Actions in many states
Warren Levin, MD
- ILADS member, employee of National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA)
- Connecticut Department of Health: Warren Levin discipline, 2010
- National Council Against Health Fraud: Warren Levin is a “Doc from Hell”, 1992
Edward Levitan, MD
Allan J. Lindsley (a chiropractor) and Nature’s Pharmacy, LLC
- FDA: Letter
John Lieurance (a chiropractor and naturopath), GlutaGenic, and Advanced Rejuvenation
- Misleading the searching patient: ozone infusion against long Covid?
- FTC and FDA: Warning Letter, 2020
- Edzard Ernst: ‘Functional Cranial Release’ is “kind’a like an orgasm”, 2018
- Malpractice claim: John Lieurance, 2018
- Health News Florida: Controversial machine still in use, 2009
- Florida Department of Health: John Lieurance discipline, 2009
- Florida Department of Health: John Lieurance discipline, 2007
- Patient lawsuit
Henry Hudson Lindner, MD
- The Times-Tribune: Lawsuit: Tunkhannock doctor improperly prescribed steroids to treat tick-borne disease, 2023-05-18
- Henry Lindner Lawsuit 1: Donnellan v. Lindner
- Henry Lindner Lawsuit 2: Wolking v. Lindner
Mark Edward Logan, MD
- Addiction doctor’s legal cases set to resolve, 2021-10-13
- Addiction doctor admits to writing illegal scrip, 2021-11-17
John Lubecki (a chiropractor) and Lubecki Wellness Center
John Lubecki surrendered his California chiropractic license after admitted the truth of allegations of:
- Advertising containing misstatements, falsehoods, or misrepresentations;
- unprofessional conduct/incompetence; and
- unprofessional conduct/conduct likely to endanger the health, welfare, or safety of the
Bobbi Lutack (a naturopath)
- Bobbi Lutack discipline, 2014
Paul Lynn, MD
Emily Maiella (a naturopath) and Windhorse Naturopathic Clinic
Todd Malan, MD
- Arizona Medical Board: Todd Malan discipline, 2024
- Arizona Medical Board: Todd Malan discipline, 2021
Harpal Singh Mangat, MD
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Harpal Mangat discipline, 2017
Alain Mass, MD
- A subordinate’s lawsuit alleging sexual harassment and disturbing behavior
Kenneth Matsumura, MD
Carolyn Matzinger, MD
- Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners: Carolyn Matzinger complaint, 2024
James Peter Matthews, MD
Mark McClure (a dentist) of National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA)
- Washington Post: Board revokes D.C. dentist’s license after patient alleges sexual contact, 2023-09-15
- DC Attorney General: Predatory Dentist Has Had License Revoked and Is Barred From Practicing in DC, 2023-09-15
- DC Board of Dentistry: Mark McClure license revocation, 2023
- DC Board of Dentistry: Mark McClure license suspension, 2022
- DC Board of Dentistry: Mark McClure discipline, 2021
Hope McIntyre, MD
Mila McManus, MD
- Texas Medical Board: Mila McManus discipline, 2007
Jennie Kaler McNeil (a nurse practitioner)
Maureen McShane, MD
- La Presse: Maladie de Lyme: gare à l’alchimie législative (Lyme disease: beware of legislative alchemy)
Steven Meress, MD and Forum Health Fond du Lac (formerly Fox Valley Wellness Center)
- ILADS and ILADEF board member
- Wisconsin Medical Examining Board: Steven Meress discipline, 2022
- Wisconsin Medical Examining Board: Steven Meress discipline, 2015
Deborah Metzger, MD
Alfred Miller, MD
Lawrence Ian Miller, DO
- The Times Herald: Ex-Hatfield doctor draws probation for unlawfully prescribing opioids, 2020-01-28
- North Penn Now: Lansdale Doctor Pleads No Contest to Two Felony Counts of Unlawful Prescribing, 2019-10-23
- Placing license into retired status, 2021-06-14
- License suspension, 2021-03-12
- License suspension and criminal documents, 2020-08-31
- License suspension, 2018-08-23
David Minkoff, MD and his supplements company, LLC
- LymeScience: Scientologist quack David Minkoff disciplined by medical board
- Tony Ortega, The Underground Bunker:
- The final hours of Lisa McPherson’s Scientology life, 2024-12-05
- David Minkoff objects to Scientology death lawsuit: You didn’t consult another quack!, 2024-11-14
- David Minkoff’s Scientology quackery: the psychiatrist expert’s assessment, 2024-09-17
- David Minkoff, Scientology doctor: The expert’s report on his failure to care for Whitney Mills
- Notorious Scientology doc David Minkoff added to lawsuit in Whitney Mills death, 2024-09-11
- Here’s the wrongful death lawsuit against Scientology by the family of Whitney Mills, 2024-06-14
- What you’ll find on the menu at the clinic run by a physician who’s also a Scientologist, 2016-11-27
- Inside Edition: Family of Scientologist Who Took Her Own Life After Self-Immolation Attempt Sues Church for Wrongful Death, 2024-06-17
- Tampa Bay Times: Scientology kept woman from mental health care before her death, lawsuit says, 2024-06-14
- Amended Lawsuit (with attached expert affidavits) against David Minkoff, MD and Scientology by the family of Whitney Mills, 2024-09-09
- Original Lawsuit against Scientology by the family of Whitney Mills, who was a patient of “Lyme literate” quack and Scientologist David Minkoff. (Minkoff was added as a defendant in the amended lawsuit)
- Screenshots extracted from the original Scientology lawsuit, which were maintained in the Amended Complaint: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- The original lawsuit asserts that Minkoff misdiagnosed Mills with Lyme disease, Babesia parasites, and what he called “very large ovarian cancer.”
- A text message screenshot showed Minkoff recommended ivermectin, which isn’t recommended for Lyme or babesia. We haven’t seen a valid reason for this prescription.
- The original lawsuit states: “Mills would text Minkoff constantly begging for Minkoff to help her with her mental illness stating, ‘Is there anything else for the mental part? I’m seriously experiencing some mental illness. This is my biggest symptom is the mental part.'”
- The original lawsuit states: “The level of quackery in Dr. Minkoff’s response is nothing short of astounding: ‘Got it. Got it. Drugs could numb you but you are OT. Put TR O in. It’s a sensation. It’s noise. It has no power over YOU. That’s the truth. Eye of the tiger. You are loved. You have friends and LRH. Duplicate it. Dissolve it. That is your power. You can be tone 40 with your TR O. That’s you as cause. I know you can. ML, dm.'”
- Mainstream doctors usually recommend 14-21 days of antibiotics for neurological Lyme disease. A text message screenshot shows Mills asking Minkoff, “Do you know how long about it takes to kill off the Lyme and brain inflammation will go away?” with Minkoff responding “Usually 6 to 12 weeks. Once this mass is out then body will have the band width to do something about it.” It is a red flag of quackery if someone “Claims that various quack-diagnosed conditions (often called co-infections) need to be treated one at a time rather than simultaneously.”
- In another text message screenshot, Whitney Mills is shown asking Minkoff “can you recommend anything else for the mental problems?”, with Minkoff recommending “Perfect amino”, a concoction sold by his company, LLC.
- The original lawsuit describes part of Whitney Mills’s texting with another Scientologist as follows: “Referring to what she believed to be the onset of Lyme disease, Mills continues: ‘I wish it wasn’t in my brain. It’s so annoying that I have it so bad, and so bad mentally'”
- Video referencing David Minkoff and Whitney Mills, 2022-12-30
- FDA and FTC: Warning to, LLC in 2014 (mirror) regarding “Unapproved Products Related to Ebola and Notice of Potential Illegal Marketing of Products to Prevent, Treat or Cure Ebola Virus”
- FDA: Warning to, LLC in 2020 regarding allegations of misbranded drugs
Isaac Melamed, MD
- Colorado Medical Board: Isaac Melamed Unprofessional Conduct
Asher Milgrom, PhD, Alice Pien, MD, and American Medical Aesthetics (AMA Skincare)
- FDA: Letter, 2020-07-22
- FTC: warning Letter, 2020-04-17
Hamid Moayad, DO
- Hamid Moayad, with ILADS leader Steven Phillips, is a co-author of the discredited Wakefield-level paper, which claimed a magic medium could culture Borrelia from “chronic Lyme” patients.
- Hamid Moayad legal violations, 1997
John Monhollon, MD (and former nurse), Katie McCloud (a physician assistant), and Florida Integrative Medical Center
- Malpractice and medical negligence allegations over the death of Gigi Burns: John Monhollon, Katie McCloud, Florida Integrative Medical Center
- Obituary: Gigi Burns (Was her death preventable?)
- Health News Florida: Integrative Medicine: Who Makes The Rules?, 2016-10-13
Thomas Moorcroft, DO
Garrison Morin, MD
- Garrison Morin is another ILADS “Lyme literate” and “integrative” doctor who was engaged in a disturbing sexual misconduct scandal.
- As detailed by the Winchester Star in October 2024, after a trial involving alleged mistreatment of six female patients, Morin was convicted of 10 misdemeanor counts of assault and battery. Charges with regard to another patient remained pending.
- West Virginia Board of Medicine: Garrison Morin license surrender (with attached indictments), 2024-10-25
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Garrison Morin license surrender, 2024-03-18
- The Winchester Star:
- Convicted Frederick County doctor avoids more jail time, must register as sex offender, 2025-02-18
- More trial dates scheduled for ex-doctor convicted of assaulting patients, 2024-11-07
- Former Frederick County doctor found guilty of 10 counts of assault and battery, 2024-10-17
- Trial underway for ex-doctor accused of assaulting patients, 2024-10-15
- Grand jury indicts ex-doctor accused of assaulting patients, 2024-05-09
- Doctor charged in sexual assault cases surrenders medical license, 2024-04-08
- Morin charged with another count of sexual battery, 2024-04-04
- 3 more patients accuse Frederick County doctor of assault, 2024-03-08
- Doctor accused of assaulting patients allegedly kissed and touched them, 2024-02-28
- Police: Frederick County doctor charged with assaulting patients, 2024-02-26
- Doctor accused of assaulting patients granted $50,000 bond, 2024-02-26
Ira Harrison Moore, MD
- Texas Medical Board: Ira Moore remedial plan, 2020
Francis William Mueller, MD
- Texas Medical Board: Francis Mueller discipline, 2010
Debra Muth (a nurse practitioner who markets herself as a naturopathic doctor)
- Wisconsin Board of Nursing: Debra Muth discipline, 2023
Joseph Natole, MD
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Joseph Natole, Jr., M.D.
- Michigan Circuit Court: Joseph Natole appeal
- Michigan Board of Medicine: Joseph Natole consent order, 1998
Susan Neuber (a nurse practitioner)
- Horror story from Susan Neuber’s patient
James Neuenschwander, MD and Patricia Neuenschwander (a nurse practitioner)
James Anthony Novak, MD
- Medical Board of California: James Novak 2023 discipline and 2024 license surrender
Amy Offutt, MD
- ILADS president
- Texas Medical Board: Amy Offutt remedial plan
- The Texas Tribune: COVID-19 is spreading fast among Texas’ unvaccinated. Here’s who they are and where they live, 2021-08-03
Bohdan “Dan” Olesnicky, MD
- Medical Board of California: Bohdan Olesnicky license surrender, 2023
Cheryl Ortel, MD
David Ellis Papendick, MD
- Medical Board of California: David Papendick license revocation, 1999
- Wisconsin Medical Examining Board: David Papendick discipline and license surrender, 1998
- Legal battle regarding “gross and flagrant violations” of the Social Security Act, 1987
Parimal (Pari) Patel (a physician assistant)
Bruce Patterson, MD, Ram Yogendra, MD, IncellDx, HealthBioAI, Chronic COVID Treatment Center
- PubPeer: concerns about Frontiers paper: Case series: Maraviroc and pravastatin as a therapeutic option to treat long COVID/Post-acute sequelae of COVID (PASC)
- For Better Science: Incell Sequelae, 2022-08-12
- MedPage Today: FLCCC, IncellDx at Odds Over Long COVID Protocols— Both groups face scrutiny over long COVID recommendations, 2022-03-01
- MedPage Today: Doc Touts Long COVID ‘Cure’, 2022-01-05
- Mother Jones: Desperate Patients Are Shelling Out Thousands for a Long Covid Cure. Is It for Real?, 2022-01-03
William Pawluk, MD
- FTC: Warning letter, 2020
Jessica Peatross, MD
- Breakdown of the sales techniques of “Dr. Jess”
- Medical Board of California: Jessica Peatross License Surrender, 2022
- Oregon Medical Board: Jessica Peatross License Surrender, 2023
Patricia Petit, DO
- Discipline, 2011
Stephen Robert Pfeifer, MD
Jeffery Scott Pfeiffer, MD and Vero Clinics
Douglas J. Phillips (a dentist) and the “Laser Detox” scam
- The Palm Beach Post: Palm Beach Gardens man charged with practicing medicine without license, 2011-03-30
- Quackwatch: Revocation Ordered for “Biological Dentist” Douglas Phillips, DDS
- archived laser detox and Douglas Phillips sites
Steven Phillips, MD
Jeffrey Piccirillo, DO
Christopher Pichay, DO
John C. Pittman, MD and Carrie Yerkes (a physician assistant)
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Actions against John Pittman, M.D.
- Quackwatch: “Bio-Oxidative Medicine” Practitioner Disciplined
- North Carolina Medical Board: Charges Against John C. Pittman, 2002
- North Carolina Medical Board: John Pittman Discipline, 2002
- North Carolina Medical Board: John Pittman Amended Consent Order, 2006
- North Carolina Medical Board: John Pittman Discipline, 2015
Daniel Pompa (a chiropractor who stole from orphans)
- KDKA News: Couple Pleads Guilty To Stealing From Children’s Trust Fund, 2012-06-14
- Pennsylvania Board of Chiropractic: Daniel Pompa License reinstatement to “expired” status, 2020
- Pennsylvania Board of Chiropractic: Daniel Pompa License suspension (and criminal details), 2013
- Pennsylvania Board of Chiropractic: Daniel Pompa Discipline, 2003
Santo Dino Prato and Envita
- Other associated entities: Vertisis Custom Pharmacy, Genetic First Laboratories, and Unipathic Medicine
- Reddit thread
- Gioacchino Franco letter of concern
- Dino Santo Prato letter of concern, 2004
- See also: Envita employee Brent Korn
- FDA warning, 2006
Joseph Py, DO
Cynthia Quattro (physician assistant and acupuncturist)
- NY and CA: Cynthia Quattro discipline, 2003-2004
Bill Rawls, MD and Vital Plan
- Truth in Advertising: Dr. Rawls’ ‘Lyme Story,’ Vital Plan Supplements
Dr. Matthias Rath, Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, and the Dr. Rath Health Foundation
- Wikipedia: Matthias Rath
- The Skeptic’s Dictionary: Matthias Rath, M.D.
- RationalWiki: Matthias Rath
- Kadia BM, Dimala CA, Njefi KP. Emergence of universal antiretroviral therapy coverage in South Africa: applying the advocacy coalition framework to refine the narratives and inform epidemic responses. Pan Afr Med J. 2022.
- NY Times: Wrapped in Data and Diplomas, It’s Still Snake Oil, 2010-11-01
- Book extract: The strange case of Matthias Rath, 2010-03-24
- Dr. Ben Goldacre: Book missing chapter
- Amon JJ. Dangerous medicines: unproven AIDS cures and counterfeit antiretroviral drugs. Global Health. 2008.
- Mail & Guardian: TAC hails court victory over Rath, Manto, 2008-06-13
- Treatment Action Campaign: The Wrongs of Matthias Rath
- Nattrass N. AIDS and the Scientific Governance of Medicine in Post-Apartheid South Africa. African Affairs. 2008.
- Community Media Trust AIDS Archive: Quacks and Denialists
- The Quackometer: Matthias Rath: The “Definitive Charlatan”, 2008-09-12
- Quackwatch: Matthias Rath’s Cancer Treatment Criticized, 2005
Bernard Raxlen, MD
- Another dangerous founding member and board member of ILADS
- Raxlen has been featured in exposés by New York Magazine and Chicago Tribune
- New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct: Bernard Raxlen license surrender, 2024
- LymeScience: Discipline from 2002-2017: ILADS Bernard Raxlen
- Science-Based Medicine: Another “Chronic Lyme” VIP disciplined by NY medical authorities: Bernard Raxlen
Hannah Rhee, MD
- Hanna Queen Rhee is a doctor in California who collaborated with ILADS and Daniel Cameron to publish a questionable paper on Lyme disease and PANDAS. The Cameron-Rhee paper was published by Dove Medical Press (Dovepress) in 2012, the same year it was listed as a predatory publisher. In the wake of allegations of disturbing behaviour (including alleged gross negligence with respect to patients), her license was revoked.
- Medical Board of California: Hannah Rhee license revocation
Bruce Rind, MD
Scott Eric Rollins, MD, Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado, AdvantAge Integrative Medicine
- CBS News: Colorado doctor admits “unprofessional conduct” in giving ivermectin to COVID-19 patients, 2023-01-27
- MedPageToday: Colorado Doc Put on Probation for Ivermectin Prescriptions, 2023-01-31
- Colorado Medical Board: Scott Rollins Unprofessional Conduct, 2022
- FTC: Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado warning letter, 2020
Dana Rosdahl (a nurse practitioner)
Mary Pat Rosman, DO
- Iowa Board of Medicine: Mary Pat Rosman discipline, 2020
- De Moine Register: Iowa doctor fined over Lyme disease treatment, 2016-02-10
- Iowa Board of Medicine: Mary Pat Rosman discipline, 2016
- Iowa Board of Medicine: Mary Pat Rosman discipline, 2014
- Iowa Board of Medicine: Mary Pat Rosman discipline, 1995
Marty Ross, MD
- Medical Board of California and Washington Medical Quality Assurance Commission: Marty Ross Discipline
Robert Rowen, MD, Terri Su, MD, and RowenSu Clinic
- National Council Against Health Fraud: CA medical board revokes “holistic” doctor’s medical license, 2023-10-08
- Quackwatch: Robert Jay Rowen, M.D., sentenced to prison
- Medical Board of California: Withdrawn sexual misconduct accusations
- FTC: Warning letter for RowenSu Clinic
Carol Ann Ryser, MD and Diana Smith Gordon (nurse practitioner who opened the Olathe LAD Clinic)
- Quackwatch: Carol Ann Ryser, M.D., Barred from Practicing Medicine
- Kansas City Star: 80-year-old Mission Hills woman in prison for lottery scam loses appeal, 2018-02-28
- Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: Carol Ryser license revocation, 2014-02-13
- Kansas Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: Carol Ryser license revocation, 2013-07-01
- Courthouse News: Doctor Under Heat From Irate Patients, 2013-04-10
- US Attorney’s Office: Medical Clinic Director, CEO Plead Guilty to Health Care Fraud, False Tax Return, 2013-03-22
- Courthouse News Service: ‘Bugs in the Biofilm’, 2012-09-06
- Kansas Supreme Court: Decision on Ryser’s lawsuit against the state, 2012-09-07
- Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: Brief and proposed findings, 2012-08-23 & 2012-09-17
- Chicago Tribune: Doctor who treated chronic Lyme disease induced, 2012-07-09
- US Attorney’s Office: Medical Clinic Owners Indicted For Health Care Fraud, False Tax Returns, 2012-06-27
- Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: Motion to exclude testimony of ILADS leaders, 2012-04-23
- US Attorney’s Office: Kansas physician who offered phony Lyme disease cure pleads guilty to fraud, 2010-10-26
- Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts: Carol Ryser complaint, 2009-12-24
- Courthouse News Service: Patient Says Doctor & Clinic Went Wild Misdiagnosing Patients With Lyme Disease, 2009-05-27
Patricia Salvato, MD
Eva Sapi, PhD
- CDC scientists: Assessment of New Culture Method for Detection of Borrelia Species from Serum of Lyme Disease Patients (and reply to a letter long-time quack Alan MacDonald, MD)
- CDC scientists: Concerns Regarding a New Culture Method for Borrelia burgdorferi Not Approved for the Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
- Psiram French: Eva Sapi
Scott David Saunders, MD
- Medical Board of California: Scott Saunders discipline for acts of repeated negligence and failing to maintain adequate and accurate medical records in the care and treatment of one patient, 2022
- Medical Board of California: Scott Saunders reprimand, 2017
- Medical Board of California: Scott Saunders discipline, 2002
- Malpractice suits, including a judgment of $204,298 in 2000
Serafino Sauro, MD and Solvera Health
- Serafino Sauro was fired from his residency for disruptive behaviors and other repeated professional concerns.
- The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation accused Sauro of lacking good moral character and alleged that his violations would constitute grounds for disciplinary action under the Illinois Medical Practice Act, particularly the rules against Dishonorable, Unethical or Unprofessional Conduct. The IDFPR and Sauro reached an agreement in which he would be disciplined and placed on probation.
- Sauro filed a harassing lawsuit against his residency director, the University of Illinois College of Medicine, and Methodist Medical Center of Illinois.
- When Sauro lost his bogus lawsuit, he filed a nonsensical appeal, which he also lost.
- Sauro and his employer Solvera Health have funded the dangerous pseudoscience group “Illinois Lyme Association.” They also promoted the quack group ILADS and the fictional “chronic Lyme” diagnosis.
Ginger Savely (nurse practitioner)
Christine Schaffner (naturopath)
- Patient’s lawsuit against Christine Schaffner
James Louis Schaller, MD
- Schaller is another “Lyme literate” felon.
- Schaller pled “no contest” in 2011 to Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon without Intent to Kill, was found guilty, and placed on four years probation.
- By unanimous vote, the Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline considered Schaller’s crime and found him guilty of unprofessional conduct. Schaller appealed the Board’s decision. A judge found Schaller’s arguments did not have merit and affirmed the disciplinary action.
- Naples News coverage (mirror)
Amy Scher
- Science-based Medicine: Who is Amy B. Scher?
Lisa Schnick, DO
- Kansas Board of Health Arts: Lisa Schnick discipline, 2018
George Robert Schwartz, MD
- State medical board actions:
- New Mexico: George Schwartz license surrender, 2008
- California: George Schwartz license surrender, 2007
- New Jersey: George Schwartz license suspension, 2007
- Pennsylvania: George Schwartz license revocation, 2007
- Santa Fe New Mexican
- Doctor continues fight to regain medical license, 2014-03-15
- Judge reinstates S.F. doctor’s license, 2008-02-22
- Facing the board: Schwartz gives up right to prescribe narcotics, 2005-12-18
- Albuquerque Journal: Doctor sues to void license restriction, 2013-05-18
Frank Anthony Shallenberger, MD
- Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners: Frank Shallenberger discipline, 2023
- Emilia David: Deadly Medicine
- Susan Gallagher (sister of Ellen, a victim of Shallenberger):
- Summary of Shallenberger discipline until 2009
- Discussion of California Accusation
- Snake Oil Salesmen Hit Jackpot in Nevada
- Snake Oil Salesmen Hit Jackpot in Nevada or What Happens When Lawmakers Fall for Multilevel Marketing Schemes
- Second board hears complaint on homeopath, 2007-10-09
- Doctor says he’s guilty of malpractice, 2007-09-24
- Frank Shallenberger withdrawn complaint, 2009
- Frank Shallenberger malpractice (summary), 2007
- In a separate civil complaint, Shallenberger paid $300k for a claim for “Failure to diagnose colon cancer resulted in death.” This was presumably over the death of David Horton.
- Dr. David Gorski: comments (archive)
- Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners: Frank Shallenberger discipline, 1995
- Medical Board of California: Frank Shallenberger accusation and license surrender, 1995 (Quackwatch discussion)
T.R. Shanthaveerappa, MD
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Totada Shanthaveerappa, M.D.
- The Daily Green: Doctor Who Injected Patients with Weed Killer Gets Probation, 2008-01-25
Ritchie Shoemaker, MD
Samuel Shor, MD
- Sam Shor is a former president of ILADS and has had other positions on its board.
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Sam Shor Unprofessional Conduct, 2024
James Shortt, MD
- 60 Minutes: A Prescription For Death? Did Alternative Treatment Lead To Patient’s Death?, 2005-01-12
- Quackwatch: Court Grants Summary Judgment in Wrongful Death Suit against Congaree Pharmacists, 2006-06-29
- Quackwatch: Suit Charges That James Shortt, M.D. Hastened Cancer Patient’s Death
- Quackwatch: Emergency Suspension of James Shortt M.D., 2005-04-13
- Augusta Chronicle: Judge says pharmacy illegally provided solution to doctor, 2006-07-20
- Associated Press: ‘Oxidation’ therapy death sheds light on doctors’ war, 2005-01-01
- New York Times: Death Puts Spotlight on a Doctor and Regulators, 2004-10-06
Geeta Shroff/Nutech MediWorld
Dean Silver, MD
- Florida Department of Health: Dean Silver complaint, 2023
- Arizona Medical Board: Dean Silver license revocation, 2023
Jonathan William Singer, DO
- Colorado Medical Board: Jonathan Singer license revocation, 2024
- Colorado Medical Boarad: Jonathan Singer complete disciplinary history (up to 2024)
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Actions against Jonathan W. Singer, D.O.
- Malpractice claims: Malpractice settlements in 2009 and 1999
- Medical Board of Ohio: Jonathan Singer disciplinary history
- Wyoming Board of Medicine: Jonathan Singer disciplinary history, 2000-2012
Mack Henry “Hank” Sloan, Stacie Sloan, Caroline “CeCe” Ames Brooks (a nurse practitioner), and The Genesis Center
- Georgia Nursing Board: Caroline “CeCe” Ames Brooks misconduct, 2024 (mistreatment of a 5-year-old girl)
- Lexington Herald-Leader: Georgia investigates healer of pro athletes [mirror], 2007-02-03
- ESPN: ‘Doctor’ treating T.O., others is under investigation, 2007-01-25
Amy Joy Fishman-Smith (a nurse practitioner)
- Case involving possible mistreatment of a teenage girl (also involves Kenneth Stoller, MD)
Jennifer Jo Sosnowski, MD and MVP Medical Care , PLLC
- Quack associations: Institute for Functional Medicine, MAPS, American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association
- Discipline in Arizona and Hawaii: Dr. Jennifer Sosnowski, 2023-2024
Mark Sivieri, MD
James Skeen, MD
Patricia Slusher (a naturopath)
- Science-Based Medicine: What does ND mean?
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Loon #2263 Patricia Slusher
Michael Anthony Smith (a chiropractor) and LymeStop
- Quackwatch: Regulatory Action against Michael Anthony Smith, D.C., 2016
- Idaho Board of Chiropractic: Michael Anthony “Tony” Smith discipline, 2016
- Idaho Statesman: Idaho chiropractor rebuked for treatment methods, 2016-02-02
Stephen L. Smith, MD
- Stephen L. Smith license suspension and amended charges, 2024-03
- The Bulletin: Washington health officials halt alternative autism treatment, 2015-01-19
- Quackwatch: Stephen L. Smith, M.D., Disciplined Again for Unprofessional Conduct, 2014
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Stephen L. Smith, M.D., 2007
Michael Souza, DO
- Rhode Island Board of Health: Michael Souza discipline, 2024
- Rhode Island Board of Health: Michael Souza discipline, 2021
- Rhode Island Board of Health: Michael Souza discipline, 2020
- Rhode Island Board of Health: Michael Souza discipline, 2019
Amy Renee Sparks, MD
- Nevada Board of Medical Examiners: Amy Sparks malpractice, 2023
Marvin Rick Sponaugle, MD
- LymeScience: Lyme disease did not cause the Sandy Hook shooting
- Florida Board of Medicine: Rick Sponaugle discipline, 2022
- Colorado Medical Board: Rick Sponaugle unprofessional conduct, 2022
- Bloomberg: Dubious Alternative Lyme Treatments Are Killing Patients, 2020-10-07
- Vice: The Doctor Can Heal You Now, 2020-08-17
Warren J. Starnes and the Skilling Institute
- Lawsuit alleges that claims that the “Photon Genius” could treat multiple sclerosis and Lyme disease, “were deceptive, fraudulent, false, misrepresentations” and “By reason of the Photon Genius not being fit for the purpose of treating multiple sclerosis and Lyme disease when sold, the Photon Genius directly caused or directly contributed to cause or aggravate grievous, serious, permanent and progressive injuries and damages to plaintiff Mia Kelly’s person.”
Achina Palanki Stein, DO
- Achina Stein discipline, 2023
Dale Stemple, MD
David Wayne Stewart, MD, Anne M. Stewart, MD, and Loudoun Holistic Health Partners
Aszani Stoddard (a nurse practitioner)
Wilbert Calvin Streeter, DO
- Wilbert Cal Streeter is the convicted fraudster who is listed as supervisor of nurse practitioners Sylvia Zakusilov and Kerrie Davis Suits at Amberwood Terrace Integrated Health in Elkhart, IN
- Medical Licensing Board of Indiana: Cal Streeter fraud and license revocation, 2004
- KPC News: Topeka man charged with practicing medicine, 2006-02-28
- KPC News: Doctor to pay $2 million, 2006-02-28
- FDA Office of Criminal Investigations: Administration of Unapproved Drugs for Treatment of Cancer
- IRS: Wilbert Streeter was sentenced to 21 months in prison in relation to a fraud scheme
- The Times: Former Highland doctor sentenced for insurance fraud, 2003-02-13
- The Times: Former Highland doctor pleads guilty to $1.5 million medical scam, 2002-01-31
- The Times: Former Highland doctor faces financial woes, 2000-08-30
Steven Streit, MD
- New Jersey State Board of Medicine Examiners: Steven Streit discipline, 1998
Kenneth Stoller, MD
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Actions against Kenneth Stoller, M.D.
- New Mexico Medical Board: Ken Stoller license revocation, 2023
- Medical Board of California: Ken Stoller license revocation, 2021
- Case involving possible mistreatment of a teenage girl (also involves Amy Fishman-Smith, NP)
- Sacramento Bee: SF city attorney subpoena’s anti-vaccine doctor over CA law, 2019-05-08
- The Mercury News: San Francisco investigates anti-vaccine doctor, 2019-05-13
- New Mexico Medical Board: Ken Stoller order (with allegations connected to Medical Child Abuse), 2016
- Albuquerque Journal: Discipline rejected against Santa Fe physician, 2015-08-10
- Santa Fe New Mexican: Hearing officer clears former Santa Fe doctor of medical child abuse, 2015-07-24
- Albuquerque Journal: Doctor accused of treating child who wasn’t sick, 2014-12-14
- Encyclopedia of American Loons: Kenneth Paul Stoller
Raphael Stricker, MD
- ILADS president and ILADEF board member
- UCSF: Report of the Hearing Committee Reviewing Charges Against Dr. Raphael Stricker
- Final Findings of Scientific Misconduct, NIH guide, Volume 22, Number 23, June 25, 1993
- Dr. Peter Lipson: Lyme Disease: Who is credible?
- New York Times: Results of AIDS Experiment Are Retracted After Inquiry, 1991-11-21
- Retraction Watch: How should authors mark retracted papers on their CVs? Compare a chronic Lyme doctor with one from the Mayo
- Retraction and original paper: Stricker RB, Abrams DI, Corash L, Shuman MA. Target platelet antigen in homosexual men with immune thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med 1985; 313:1375-80.
- Medical Board of California: Removed Raphael Stricker accusation
- Psiram German: Raphael Stricker
- Psiram French: Raphael Stricker
- Scholarly Open Access: I’m Following a Fringe Science Paper on F1000Research
- SF Weekly: Men Behaving Viciously
Julia Sudylo, RN
Dustin Sulak, DO
Malathy Sundaram, MD
Murray Susser, MD
Thomas Szulc, MD, Casper Szulc, and the New York Center for Innovative Medicine
- FTC and FDA: Warning letter, 2020
- Quackwatch: “Bioresonance” blood test scrutinized
- USA Today: A single drop of blood: No research or FDA approval behind doctor’s testing methods, 2019-12-21
Theoharis Theoharides, MD
- LETTER: Parent Says Autism Event at Library is ‘Dangerous Misinformation’
- Autism and brain inflammation: A study by Theoharis Theoharides used and abused by antivaxers
- “AutismFreeBrain”? Selling supplements to cure autism
Lauren Tessier (a naturopath)
- Vermont Office of Professional Regulation: Lauren Tessier unprofessional conduct, 2023-03-06
Paul Thomas, MD
Jaqlyn Tinaro (naturopathic fake doctor)
- 29-year-old Sarasota County woman charged with four felony counts of practicing health care without a license, 2024-07-13
- Becker’s Hospital review: Florida woman charged with practicing without license after performing ‘live blood analysis’, 2023-07-12
- WFLA: Sarasota woman arrested for fraudulent medical practice, deputies say, 2023-07-07
Ajeeb John Titus, MD
- MedPage Today: Doctor Faces Lawsuit Alleging He Caused Opioid Addiction, 2022-07-22
- Patient lawsuit
- Pennsylvania Attorney General: Press release | Charges
- License surrender, 2022
Keri Topouzian, DO
- Michigan Board of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery: Keri Topouzian discipline, 2022
- Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies: Keri Topouzian discipline, 2022
John Roy Toth, MD
- US DOJ: Kansas physician sentenced to time served for phony Lyme disease cure, 2011-02-09
- US DOJ: Kansas physician who offered phony Lyme disease cure pleads guilty to fraud, 2010-10-26
- The Associated Press: California man admits Lyme disease fraud, 2010-09-17
- The San Diego Union Tribune: Chula Vista duo indicted in fake Lyme disease cure (Wayback machine), 2008-12-05
- NBC San Diego: Under the Microscope for Bogus Medical Cure, 2008-12-05
- Quackwatch: John R. Toth, M.D., Agrees to Inactivate Medical License
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against John R. Toth, M.D.
- Time Deadly Lyme Disease Fraud in Kansas City: Really? Really., 2010-09-24
- US DOJ: Lyme disease treatment was fraud federal indictment charges
- See board actions at Circare
Charles Christopher Turnpaugh and Turnpaugh Health and Wellness Center
- Respectful Insolence: A commercial disguised as a local news report about “functional neurologist” Chris Turnpaugh, 2019-03-01
Neelam Taneja Uppal, MD
- Florida Board of Medicine: Neelam Taneja Uppal license revocation, 2023-10-25
- Note: Numerous other disciplinary actions are not posted here, and criminal charges are pending as of 2024-04-30
Anju Usman, MD
Penelope (Penni) Vachon (a nurse practitioner)
- Penni Vachon discipline, 2022
Alan Vinitsky, MD
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Alan Vinitsky discipline, 2024
- LymeScience: Many Alan Vinitsky disciplinary actions between 1995 and 2019
Marilyn Walkey, MD
- Oregon Board of Medical Examiners: Marilyn Walkey license surrender, 2020
- Oregon Board of Medical Examiners: Marilyn Walkey Complaint, 2020
- Oregon Board of Medical Examiners: Marilyn Walkey Complaint, 2005
- Oregon Board of Medical Examiners: Marilyn Walkey Voluntary limitation, 1997
Jamie Winter Walraven, MD, Linda Leigh Faulkner (a nurse practitioner), and Ageless Wellness Center
- According to the Georgia Composite Medical Board, Walraven settled two malpractice claims on April 1, 2020 for $487,500 and $3,500,000, respectively.
- Story of Walraven’s victim Doris Tyler, who claimed Walraven’s stem cell procedure made her blind:
- Walraven Lawsuit
- Lawyer interview, 2020-10-26
- WSB-TV: Lawsuit: Georgia doctors blind woman with unproven stem cell procedure, 2018-11-14
- Fox 5: Woman claims in lawsuit that stem cell therapy caused her blindness, 2018-12-17
- WFTV: ‘I can’t see my grandchildren’: Woman says she was blinded by surgery, 2018-11-21
- Washington Post: Miracle cures or modern quackery? Stem cell clinics multiply, with heartbreaking results for some patients., 2018-04-29
- The Niche: New lawsuit includes big stem cell clinic chain, Cell Surgical Network, 2018-04-19
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Despite FDA crackdown, stem cell therapy still ‘wild west’, 2018-04-06
Alan Stuart Weiss, MD
- Maryland Board of Physicians: Alan Weiss discipline, 2022
Jo Ann Whitaker, MD and the Bowen Research & Training Institute
- Quackwatch: Jo Ann Whitaker, M.D., Surrenders Florida Medical License
- Florida Board of Medicine: License surrender, 2007
- Kansas City Star: Who’s left to pay this big verdict?, 2009-05-25 (mirror 1, mirror 2)
Richard Wilkinson, MD
- Richard Wilkinson discipline, 2023
- Richard Wilkinson discipline, 1987-1988
Brian Keith Wise, MD
- Colorado Medical Board: Brian Wise discipline, 2023
Ronald Wilson, MD
Douglas Wine (a chiropractor) and Lyme Laser Centers
- New Hampshire Board of Chiropractic Examiners: License surrender after allegations of misconduct involving “a prohibited and inappropriate relationship with a patient”
- Patient Zero podcast: The Laser
- FDA: Warning for Wholly Liquid Nutritional Supplements LLC (Douglas A. Wine, Austin A. Wine)
David C. Wright, MD
Jeffrey Wulfman, MD
- Vermont Board of Medical Practice: Jeffrey Wulfman Discipline [mistreatment of a child]
Therese Yang, MD
David Younger, MD
Robert John Zajac, MD
- Minnesota Board of Medical Practice: Bob Zajac discipline, 2021
- Quackwatch: Minnesota Medical Board disciplines vaccine fearmonger, 2021
James Ziobron, DO (also a chiropractor)
- A patient describes her experience
Leila Zackrison, MD
- ILADS board member
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison License Revocation, 2020
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Hearing Minutes, 202 0
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Amended Allegations, 2019
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Suspension and Allegations, 2019
- Court of Appeals of Virginia: Decision affirming 2015 discipline of Leila Zackrison, 2017
- Federal Court: Patient Law Suit against Leila Zackrison (full docket)
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Discipline, 2015
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Allegations, 2014
- Quackwatch: Leila Zackrison, M.D., Reprimanded by Virginia Board of Medicine, 2013 (superseded by 2015 discipline)
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Allegations, 2013 (superseded by 2014 allegations)
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Order , 2005
- Virginia Board of Medicine: Leila Zackrison Allegations, 2004
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. Tania Ash
Jennie Burke and Australian Biologics
- Psiram French: Australian Biologics
- RatBags: Australian Biologics
- Quackwatch: Bolan’s Clot Retraction Test: Another Scheme to Sell You Something
Dr. Peter Dobie
- Health Care Complaints Commission: Press release on Unsatisfactory Professional Conduct and Professional Misconduct
- New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal: Stage 1 decision
- New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal: Stage 2 decision
Dr. Almayne du Preez
- Note: We appreciate that according to the disciplinary action, Dr. du Preez cooperated with the regulatory investigation, and “made early admissions of the misconduct and has demonstrated insight into the seriousness of the misconduct.”
- AHPRA: Tribunal reprimands and fines GP following unprofessional conduct
- Western Australia State Administrative Tribunal: Order, 2016
Dr. Gregory Emerson
Dr. Sandeep Gupta
Dr. Geoffrey Kemp
- GP banned until 2028 for persistent professional misconduct, 2024-02-28
- Tribunal discipline, 2024-01-25
- Tribunal hears appeal against Immediate Action – grants stay, 2016-03-04
- Tribunal decision, 2016-02-24
- Discipline: Unprofessional conduct for breaching an agreement to have a chaperone present for female patients and minors, 2011-11-30
- Discipline: Reprimand for unprofessional conduct regarding acupuncture treatment, 2007-12-17
- Psiram French: Geoffrey Kemp
Dr. Andrew Mark Ladhams
Dr. Nijole Lloyd
Dr. Peter Mayne
Mualla McManus (a pharmacist) and the Karl McManus Foundation
- Psiram French: Mualla McManus
Dr. Adam Jeremy Nuttall
- Medical Board of Western Australia: Order to be removed from the register
- New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal: Charge Detail Summary
- New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal: Full decision
- New Zealand Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal: Additional orders
- ABC: Doctor struck off for sex with patient
- NZ Herald: Sex charges see GP struck off
- NZ Herald: Doctor faces fresh sex charge across Tasman
- Mountain Scene: This week in Mountain Scene history
🇨🇦 Canada
LymeScience: Canadian resources | tagged content
Jennifer Margaret Armstrong, MD
- LymeScience: Jennifer Armstrong misconduct, 2014
- Jennifer Armstrong license suspension, 2024
Dr. Jo Ann “Jody” Bowle-Evans
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: Jody Bowle-Evans license surrender, 2022
Dr. Simon Colla
Dr. David Conroy
- Costs award, 2011-03-16
- Decision on David Conroy lawsuit, 2011-01-14
- book review, 2011
Dr. Bruce Osmond Hoffman
- CTV News: ‘I was desperate’: Former patient warns about Calgary doctor awaiting penalty for professional misconduct
- College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta: Bruce Hoffman sanctions for unprofessional conduct, 2024-06-12
- College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta: Bruce Hoffman Unprofessional Conduct, 2023
- More actions pending in 2024…
Dr. Amir Khadir
- La Presse: Docteur K
Jozef Krop, MD
Salvatore Meli (a naturopath) and his companies Chronic Lyme Treatments and Apex Botanicals
- FTC: Sal Meli warning letter, 2020
Ernie Murakami, MD
Kurt Stauffert (an Ontario naturopath)
- Infraction: Advertising and/or holding out as a person qualified to practise naturopathy, 2023-08-15
- Decision and reasons, 2022-12-12 (français)
- Acknowledgement and Undertaking – Resignation, 2022-10-06
- Acknowledgement and Undertaking, 2022-08-31
- Agreed Statement of Facts, 2022-08-31
- Joint Submission as to Penalty and Costs, 2022-08-31
- Notice of hearing, 2021-12-13
🇫🇷 France
- Psiram French: Maladie de Lyme
- Debatbiomed
- Désinformation sur l’autisme par des associations Lyme [Misinformation about autism from Lyme associations]
- Chronimed : récapitulatif d’un scandale [Chronimed: summary of a scandal]
- French National Academy of Medicine: Condemnation of Lyme misinformation
- 24 French Scientific Societies Mobilize to Protect Patients
- 24 French Medical Societies Endorse New Lyme Guidelines, Support for Patients
- Chronic Lyme disease: A scam that should be condemned!
- Psiram French: French Federation against Tick-borne Diseases (FFMVT)
Dr. Marc Arer
- Marc Arer is a doctor and homeopath who was sentenced to a 6 months ban on practicing (with three of those suspended) and a €5k fine. For so-called Lyme disease, he was found guilty of ordering inappropriate tests and prescribing inappropriate treatments.
- France Bleu: Maladie de Lyme : un médecin de Saint-Étienne condamné pour avoir demandé des bilans supplémentaires (Lyme disease: a Saint-Étienne doctor sentenced for requesting additional assessments), 2016-07-20
Dr. Marc Bransten
- Debatbiomed: Le Dr Marc Bransten et ses ordonnances affolantes pour « guérir » l’autisme (Dr. Marc Bransten and his maddening prescriptions to “cure” autism)
- Egora: Maladie de Lyme “chronique” : un généraliste radié par l’Ordre pour ses cocktails médicamenteux (“Chronic” Lyme disease: a general practitioner struck off by the Order for his drug cocktails), 2024-05-03
- L’Express: Maladie de Lyme : les affolantes prescriptions du Dr Bransten (Lyme disease: Dr. Bransten’s frightening prescriptions), 2024-05-02
Dr. Raphaël Cario
- Raphaël Cario reportedly received a four-month suspension for “providing care that does not comply with current scientific data”, “improperly prescribing Lyme disease screening tests” and “failing to adapt treatment to the results of biological tests”.
- Europe 1: Maladie de Lyme : pourquoi des médecins sont-ils poursuivis ? (Lyme disease: why are doctors being prosecuted?), 2017-04-05
Dr. Yves Cornette de Saint-Cyr
- Ouest France: Maladie de Lyme : ils soutiennent leur médecin devant le conseil de l’ordre (Lyme disease: they support their doctor before the medical board), 2022-05-19
Dr. Béatrice Milbert
- Debatbiomed: Béatrice Milbert, vice-présidente de Chronimed, 2021-01-17
- Alerte Environnement: Le Docteur Milbert et son côté « Mister Hyde », 2014-11-18
Dr. Christian Perronne
- Chronimed leader, scientific advisor to Lyme Disease Association of Australia (Lyme isn’t endemic to Australia), co-founder and vice-president of the French Federation against Tickborne Diseases (FFMVT) and president of its scientific council.
- Conspiracy Watch: Christian Perronne
- France24 article:
- “Perronne has become a top-selling author and a leading light in anti-vax circles”, 2021-01-08
- Christian Perronne, un professeur à la dérive (Christian Perronne, a professor adrift, 2024-04-16)
- L’Express: Antivax, idole de l’extrême droite – Christian Perronne, la chute d’un professeur jadis respecté (Antivax, idol of the far right- Christian Perronne, the fall of a once respected professor, mirror, 2022-09-13)
- BigPragma: Christian pérore au duché (Christian speaks at the duchy, 2022-01)
- Reuters: French doctor making false vaccine claims is not former WHO VP, 2022-01-26
- AFP: Attention aux assertions trompeuses de Christian Perronne sur la vaccination anti-Covid devant des députés luxembourgeois (Beware of Christian Perronne’s misleading assertions on anti-Covid vaccination in front of Luxembourg MPs, 2022-01-27
- Coda: The French doctors railing against vaccines and Covid-19 restrictions, 2021-10-04
- Sciences et Avenir: Covid-19 : l’AP-HP sanctionne le Pr Perronne pour des propos jugés “indignes” (Covid-19: AP-HP sanctions Professor Perronne for remarks deemed “unworthy”, 2020-12-17)
- Le Monde: Qui est vraiment Christian Perronne, médecin référent des complotistes? (Who is really Christian Perronne, the conspiracy theorists’ reference doctor?, 2020-11-18)
- L’Express: Deux études cosignées par le professeur Perronne sur la tisane d’Artemisia rétractées (Two studies co-signed by Professor Perronne on Artemisia herbal tea retracted, mirror, 2020-08-20)
- Perronne retractions, 2020: Paper 1 | Paper 2
- Debatbiomed: Christian Perronne et le scandale des faux traitements de l’autisme [Christian Perronne and the scandal of false autism treatments]
- For Better Science: Christian Perronne and other Chronic Lymericks, 2020-10-26
- Pascal C, et al. Emergence of Lyme disease as a social problem: analysis of discourse using the media content. Eur J Public Health. 2019. [Prominence of Perronne in the French media]
Dr. Philippe Raymond
- Un médecin qui prétendait guérir l’autisme radié (Doctor claiming to cure autism struck off)
- Antibiotiques pour “guérir” l’autisme: la justice saisie (Antibiotics to “cure” autism: case referred to the courts)
- Debatbiomed: Radiation d’un pilier de Chronimed, le Dr Philippe Raymond [Removal of a Chronimed pillar, Dr Philippe Raymond]
Viviane Schaller (pharmacist), Bernard Christophe (unlicensed pharmacist), and Tic Tox
- Psiram French: Viviane Schaller
- Ouest France: Maladie de Lyme. Le tribunal confirme la peine de Viviane Schaller (Lyme disease. The court confirms the sentence of Viviane Schaller), 2016-12-14
- Viviane Schaller and Bernard Christophe: Judgment, 2016-12-14
- Ouest France: Controverse sur la maladie de Lyme devant la justice (Lyme disease controversy in court), 2016-10-07
- Rue89 Strasbourg: À Strasbourg, le traitement de la maladie de Lyme en procès (In Strasbourg, the treatment of Lyme disease on trial), 2014-09-23
- Rue89 Strasbourg: Maladie de Lyme : Viviane Schaller et Bernard Christophe devant le tribunal
(Lyme disease: Viviane Schaller and Bernard Christophe in court), 2013-09-16 - Laboratoire Schaller : lourdes peines requises, 2012-09-18
- TIC TOX suspension (HTML)
- Tic Tox : attention faux médicament, 2012-03-07
Dr. Corinne Skorupka
- Debatbiomed: Qui est le Dr Corinne Skorupka? (Who is Dr Corinne Skorupka?)
Dr. Paul Trouillas
- Maladie de Lyme. L’ordre du Rhône réclame la radiation d’un médecin (Lyme disease. The Order of the Rhône calls for the dismissal of a doctor), 2021-09-17
🇩🇪 Germany
Dr. Armin Schwarzbach of ArminLabs, formerly of BCA Clinic Borreliose-Centrum-Augsburg)
- ILADS and ILADEF board member
- Psiram French: Armin Schwarzbach
- Psiram French: BCA Clinic
- Psiram German: BCA Clinic
- Journalists Expose German “Lyme” Clinics
Dr. Ingo Woitzel
- Psiram German: Ingo Woitzel
- Psiram French: Ingo Woitzel
Klinik St. Georg (St. George Hospital) and Friedrich Douwes
- Quackwatch: Some Thoughts about the Klinik St. George
- Psiram French: Friedrich Douwes
- Psiram German: Friedrich Douwes
🇮🇪 Ireland
Irish Medical Societies: Consensus statement
John Lambert, MD (aka Jack Lambert)
- ILADS European committee
- Irish Times: Medical meeting moved after hospital objected to use of premises
- Psiram: John Lambert
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Dr. Julian Kenyon
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Julian Kenyon misconduct and license erasure, 2024
- Edzard Ernst: Julian Kenyon struck off the UK medical register, 2024-05-25
- BBC: Doctor struck off over sound therapy prescription, 2024-05-22
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Julian Kenyon Fitness to Practise Panel, 2015
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Julian Kenyon Fitness to Practise Panel, 2014
- Hampshire Chronicle: Tribunal rules Twyford doctor Julian Kenyon who exploited patients can keep job, 2014-12-19
- BBC: Winchester doctor uncovered by Inside Out, 2003-10-06
Dr. Jean Monro, Dr. Basant Puri, and Breakspear Medical
- See also former employee Dr. Michael Wetzler
- ILADS member
- Misconduct hearing scheduled May-June 2024
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Misconduct, 2024 [mistreatment of a child]
- BBC: Doctor who put children ‘at risk’ struck off, 2024-09-03
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Misconduct, 2023 [mistreatment of a child]
- Employment tribunal, 2022
- Fitness to practise panel, 2012
- James Cole: The Breakspear Hospital and Jean Monro v the ASA and the GMC, 2012-05-16
- Quackwatch: British Advertising Authority Upholds Complaint against Breakspear Medical Group, 2012
- James Cole: What’s Wrong With The Breakspear Hospital?, 2011-10-26
- Quackometer: Doctor’s Data and Bogus Tests, 2010-07-07
- Quackometer: The Breakspear Hospital and Antigen Vaccines, 2007-08-13
- Pushing the Habit [Basant Puri], 2007-03-17
- Fish oil, VegEPA and Professor [Basant] Puri
- Quackometer: The Breakspear Hospital and Electromagnetic Therapy, 2007-08-06
- BMJ: Director of private hospital is cleared of falsely claiming NHS employment, 2006-10-07
- BBC: Quackbusters under seige, 1996-11-24
- BMJ: Alternative allergy and the General Medical Council, 1993 (A court “had ruled that the methods of a clinical ecologist (Dr Jean Monro) were ‘in many cases bizarre and unscientific … and her methods and treatment have no parallel or place in the NHS routines.'”)
Dr. Sarah Myhill
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Misconduct tribunal, 2023-11-17
- Edzard Ernst: UK doctor has been punished for advocating dietary supplements as alternatives for vaccinations, 2023-01-31
- BBC: Covid: Powys doctor given nine-month ban for false claims, 2023-01-30
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Misconduct tribunal, 2023-01-27
- James Cole: The Wrongness of Dr Sarah Myhill and other posts
- Investigation Committee Oral Hearing, 2012
- Interim orders panel, 2011-03-31
- BBC: Private Powys GP interim year ban lifted by GMC, 2011-01-12
Dr. Michael Wetzler
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Tribunal decisions, 2021-2023
- BBC: ‘Wrong vaccine’ doctor suspended, 2004-06-09
Dr. Samuel Ross White
- Sam White’s web site has boasted membership in Institute for Functional Medicine and ILADS. It also advertises partnerships with ArminLabs, Academy of Nutritional Medicine (AONM), Genova Diagnostics, Biolab Medical Unit, The Doctor’s Laboratory, Nutrined, General Naturopathic Council, and Association of Naturopathic Practitioners
- Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service: Sam White Misconduct, 2024
- Indy100: GB News guest says hackers to blame after raunchy WhatsApp message from ‘Suzie Sub’ appeared on website, 2021-12-06
- BBC: Hampshire GP’s Covid social media ban was wrong, court rules, 2021-12-03
- BBC: Covid ‘misinformation’ doctor appeals GMC conditions, 2021-11-05
- RationalWiki: Sam White
Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij: discussion of Geert Kingma, Alexander Korbee, Theodoor Scheepers in: Wageningen-hoogleraar Huub Savelkoul opnieuw in de fout (Wageningen professor Huub Savelkoul at fault again), 2016-05-11
Dr. Katharina Deutsch
- ILADS member
- A patient reportedly accused Deutsch of inappropriate behavior, that an incorrect or late diagnosis was made, that the doctor prescribed the wrong medication, that the file was manipulated and that professional secrecy was violated. Deutsch was found guilty of violating standards of professional conduct for the inappropriate behavior, but the other accusations were dismissed.
- Seks, erotiek en alternatieve geneeswijzen (Sex, eroticism and alternative medicine), 2015-10-29
Dr. Henk Fransen
Dr. Geert Kingma
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij: Lyme-‘held’ Geert Kingma gebruikt onbetrouwbare test (Lyme ‘hero’ Geert Kingma uses unreliable test), 2017-05-12
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij: Inspectie pakt chelatiekliniek Walborg in Amsterdam aan (Inspectorate tackles chelation clinic Walborg in Amsterdam), 2014-04-03
Alexander Korbee, MD
- Kwakzalvers kapen onderzoeksbedrijf Microbiome Center (Quacks hijack research company Microbiome Center), 2022-12-16
- Alexander Korbee diagnosticeert met vreemd apparaat (Alexander Korbee diagnoses with strange device), 2020-01-07
Kaj de Vries
- `Dokter schimmel´ Kaj de Vries ziet overal schimmels (‘Mold doctor’ Kaj de Vries sees mold everywhere), 2014-10-28
Edwin Wiersma
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij: Edwin Wiersma ziet van alles onder microscoop, 2020-04-30
Rogier Zwijsen
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij: Rogier Zwijsen van Ars Biomedica bioresoneert er lustig op los, 2024-02-19
Rest of Europe and Asia
Dr. Eric Beeth
Barbaros Çetin
Leona Gilbert, Kunal Garg, and Tezted
- ILADS Europe leader and ILADEF board member, scientific advisor to Lyme Disease Association of Australia (Lyme isn’t endemic to Australia)
- University of Jyväskylä: Rector’s decision on an alleged violation of the responsible conduct of research
- Svenska Yle: The Borrelia War: cheating researchers, angry doctors and confusing blood tests (Borreliakriget: fuskande forskare, arga läkare och förvirrande blodprov)
- University of Jyväskylä: Investigation completed on an alleged violation of responsible conduct of research
- Nature: Retraction Note: Evaluating polymicrobial immune responses in patients suffering from tick-borne diseases (original paper)
- Psiram French: Leona Gilbert
- Lantos PM, Auwaerter PG, Wormser GP. A systematic review of Borrelia burgdorferi morphologic variants does not support a role in chronic Lyme disease. Clin Infect Dis. 2013.
- For Better Science: Chronic Lymericks
Dr. Rolf Luneng
Dr. Kenneth Sandström
- ILADS member Kenneth Sandström’s medical license was reportedly revoked by the National Board of Health and Welfare (HSAN) in Sweden, but we do not have copies of legal actions.
The Original Rogues Gallery includes:
- John Roy Toth
- Robert Bradford
- Brigitte Byrd
- Geoffrey Gubb
- Joseph G. Jemsek
- Charles Ray Jones
- Carl Haese
- Carol Ryser
- JoAnne Whitaker
- Bruce K. Fong
- Robert Bransfield
- Jozef Krop
- Joseph Burrascano
- Totada R. Shanthaveerappa
- Gregory Hoffmann
- Charlene DeMarco
- Harriet Kotsoris
- James Shortt
- Virginia R. Savely aka Ginger Savely
- Anthony Lionetti
- Bernard Raxlen
- Perry Orens
- Richard Horowitz
- William Cowden
- Joseph Natole
- Phil Watsky
- Nicholas Bachynsky
- John D. Bleiweiss
- Dietrich Klinghardt
- Raphael B. Stricker
Trevor Marshall, Amy Proal, and the “Marshall Protocol” cult
- LymeScience thread
- See also James Peter Matthews
- Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research: Buyer Beware: “Miracle Cures” for Sarcoidosis, 2019
- Jonathan Eisen, Ph.D: The Marshall Protocol, 2010
- Science-Based Medicine: The Microbial Metagenome, 2009
- Science-Based Medicine: The Marshall Protocol, 2009
- Nils Milman: What is the Marshall Protocol – and should we use it?
- Mark London: Marshall Protocol’s Vitamin D Theories Are Not Supported by Lab Studies, 2009
- AZFamily: Child nearly dies after controversial medical treatment, 2012
- Kitsap Sun: State board charges Poulsbo doctor with using unproven treatments, 2012
- Kitsap Sun: Poulsbo doctor placed on probation by state health commission, 2013
- Kitsap Sun: License suspended for Poulsbo doctor, 2016
- Arizona State Board of Nursing: Trudy Rumann Heil License Suspension, 2012
- Arizona State Board of Nursing: Trudy Rumann Heil Discipline, 2015
- Quackwatch: Disciplinary Action against Susan J. Shlifer, M.D.
- Washington Medical Commission: Susan Shlifer charges, 2012
- Washington Medical Commission: Susan Shlifer discipline, 2013
- Washington Medical Commission: Susan Shlifer amended discipline, 2015
- Washington Medical Commission: Susan Shlifer second amended discipline, 2016
Mary Talley Bowden, MD
- 14th Court of Appeals: Affirming dismissal of vexatious litigation, 2024-06-27
- 14th Court of Appeals: Affirming dismissal of SLAPP suit, 2024-05-30
- Texas Medical Board: Mary Talley Bowden first amended complaint, 2024-03-15
- Harris County District Court: Mary Talley Bowden order to pay attorneys fees for failed SLAPP suit, 2023-03-07
- Texas Medical Board: Mary Talley Bowden complaint (superseded), 2023-04-25
- Quackwatch: Defamation Suit by Anti-Vax Doctor Dismissed
- Hospital legal filing [contains irresponsible Bowden prescriptions]
Ryan Neil Cole, MD
- Washington Medical Commission: Ryan Cole charges and findings of unprofessional conduct, 2024
Simone Gold, MD
- Medical Board of California: Simone Gold Discipline
Edward Paul Hagen, DO
- Wisconsin Medical Examining Board: Edward Paul Hagen discipline, 2023
- Wisconsin Medical Examining Board: Edward Paul Hagen discipline, 2013
Stella Immanuel, MD
- Texas Medical Board: Remedial plan
- Medical Board of Ohio: Denial of license
James Patrick Johnston, DO
- North Carolina Medical Board: James Johnston discipline and license inactivation, 2024
- Business Insider: The ivermectin battle isn’t over: COVID-19 doctors are prescribing the drug in plain sight, 2022-02-12
- USA Today: Why do Americans keep taking ivermectin for COVID despite FDA warnings? Hundreds of doctors continue to prescribe it., 2022-02-02
- Oregon Medical Board: James Johnston denial of license for failure to demonstrate good moral character, 2020
- Jezebel: The Anti-Abortion Doctor Who Believes Ectopic Pregnancies Can Be ‘Reimplanted’, 2019-10-01
- The Colorado Independent: Fanning the radical anti-abortion flames in Colorado, 2008-08-12
- The Colorado Independent: Colorado personhood law backer linked to militant anti-abortion groups, 2008-08-11
Benjamin Alborn Marble, MD
- Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure: Settlement with Benjamin Marble, 2012 (charges included “Unprofessional conduct” and “Being guilty of any dishonorable or unethical conduct likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public.”
- USA Today: Why do Americans keep taking ivermectin for COVID despite FDA warnings? Hundreds of doctors continue to prescribe it., 2022-02-02
- The Guardian: How anti-vaxxers and ivermectin advocates have co-opted US local news, 2021-11-03
Defunct entities
- FTC: proceedings
- FTC: Company Touting Unproven Cancer Treatment Agrees to Settle FTC Charges, 2002-07-24
Pharmasan Labs, Neuroscience, Inc, and Gottfried Kellermann
- Osceola Sun: Osceola CEO fined and sentenced to home confinement in fraud case, 2017-03-30
- U.S. Attorney’s Office: Nutritional Supplement Provider and CEO Plead Guilty & Agree to Pay Over $6.1 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations
- US Attorney’s office: Osceola Laboratory Agrees to Pay $8.5 Million to Resolve False Billing Case, 2015-12-01
- CMS: Revocation of Pharmasan Labs, Inc.’s CLIA Certificate
- Quackwatch: Neuroscience, Inc., and Gottfried Kellerman Convicted of Conspiracy
- Psiram: QMedRx
- Forbes: UVLrx Therapy Lights Up Charlatans Dealing In Medical Devices, 2016-09-26
- FDA: UVLrx warning letter, 2017-09-25 [mirror]
- Health News Florida: Despite Skeptics, Alternative Doctors ‘Detoxifying’ Blood With UV Rays, 2016-12-01
See also:
Science-Based Medicine: Chronic Lyme posts
Quackwatch: Index of Lyme-related government actions
Quackwatch: Lyme Disease: Questionable Diagnosis and Treatment
LymeScience: More victims of chronic Lyme quackery
LymeScience: Documented harms of chronic Lyme quackery
Encyclopedia of American Loons
LymeScience: Government actions for herbs and supplements
Journalism on bad doctors
KGW: ‘Sick Medicine’ documentary
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, USA TODAY and MedPage Today: 7 takeaways from our year-long investigation into the country’s broken medical license system
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: State Medical Boards
KXAN: Senator: Texas Medical Board not doing ‘vital job’ protecting patients from harm