Yolanda Hadid- treatment list
$5 million spent on treatments, according to US Weekly
Because patients deserve better
$5 million spent on treatments, according to US Weekly
But the group changed its mind!
Please don’t try to treat Lyme disease with ozone
Stopping the “Lyme warrior” hogwash was life changing.
“Thankfully, I’m not an idiot.”
Many myths about Bartonella are spread on the Internet
Click here for 2019 legislative sessions 2018 Legislative Sessions- In plain English (updated 2018-06-12) Connecticut SB00200– Requires health care providers to administer Lyme blood tests for nonspecific pain. Our recommendation: Vote No. This will lead to unnecessary testing. Status: Failed … Continued
A story about unnecessary anxiety about Lyme disease, from the Netherlands.
Had ik in chronische Lyme gelooft, dan was het slecht afgelopen.
Why every chronic Lyme story needs to be questioned
ILADS and Global Lyme Alliance promote some pretty bizarre beliefs.
Educational articles, written for a lay audience.
It’s a chemistry trick.
Why are incompetent “Lyme literate” practitioners so appealing?
Short Answer: No
Different ticks in generally different geographic areas.
This chart shows why claims of having many chronic co-infections are so unbelievable
Dr. David Minkoff is a quack in Clearwater, Florida who was disciplined by the Florida Board of Medicine after the death of Lisa McPherson, a fellow Scientologist. His license was suspended for one year and he was fined $10,000. Minkoff … Continued
The testing is accurate even without looking at these bands!
There are over 20 chronic Lyme quacks in Washington, but only 0-3 confirmed cases acquired there every year