Document Repository
Useful articles and documents
Because patients deserve better
Useful articles and documents
More data shows the Lyme disease overdiagnosis epidemic
Expert: Medical misinformation is commonplace
Stories worth reading.
ILADS leaders defended the fraudster
“I’d like to see him lose his license,” says her widower.
Another dangerous “Lyme literate” doctor
So many drugs! 😮
ILADS document leads to abuse of antibiotic treatment, according to an expert
Significant unnecessary anxiety about Lyme
French experts separate facts from fiction
Experts: “Chronic Lyme disease” is not based on any evidence.
She was wrongly treated for Lyme for 12+ years
The loophole employed by predatory Lyme labs and Theranos
Patients insist on treatment, even without evidence of Lyme disease
Three questions to ask
Worth watching
Antibody testing is more useful
Appalling abuse of an autistic child
So much time and money wasted