“Lyme literate” doctor scam: A couple’s horrific experience
ILADS leaders defended the fraudster
Because patients deserve better
ILADS leaders defended the fraudster
“I’d like to see him lose his license,” says her widower.
The loophole employed by predatory Lyme labs and Theranos
Appalling abuse of an autistic child
So much time and money wasted
Toxic snake oil used as a cure-all
But testimonials mislead
6 trials show it doesn’t help but can cause harm.
Herbs: Good on chicken, but they aren’t Lyme treatments
Please don’t try to treat Lyme disease with ozone
ILADS and Global Lyme Alliance promote some pretty bizarre beliefs.
“Bee venom therapy”: another fad treatment in the chronic Lyme world.
Another unnecessary therapy marketed for Lyme disease.