FDA cites IgeneX for problematic testing
The loophole employed by predatory Lyme labs and Theranos
Because patients deserve better
The loophole employed by predatory Lyme labs and Theranos
Found guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct
This doctor’s patients had a 100% false positive rate for Lyme disease
One wonders what happened to cause this action.
Tania Ash is a general practitioner in Malvern, Victoria, Australia. She is associated with the quackery-promoting groups International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) and Australian Chronic Infectious and Inflammatory Disease Society (ACIIDS). ACIIDS advocates for unrecognized conditions like “chronic Lyme disease” … Continued
Sandeep Gupta is a general practitioner in Queensland, Australia who founded the Lotus Institute of Holistic Health “to provide training in integrative medicine”. Integrative medicine is a marketing term frequently used by quacks. Gupta was a founding board member of … Continued
A dangerous consequence of chronic Lyme quackery.
Because chronic Lyme is transmitted by word of mouth and the Internet.