FDA cites IgeneX for problematic testing
The loophole employed by predatory Lyme labs and Theranos
Because patients deserve better
The loophole employed by predatory Lyme labs and Theranos
Doctors say treatment should be compassionate, comprehensive, & evidence-guided.
So much quackery
A patient died but Chronic Lyme believers stood by her
Ernie Murakami is a now-retired doctor in Hope, British Columbia, Canada. He has many beliefs about Lyme disease that are not supported by scientific evidence. According to 2005 meeting minutes of the Medical Performance Committee of the College of Physicians … Continued
Scientific data do not support claims regarding the existence of a chronic form of Lyme disease.
Les données scientifiques ne soutiennent pas prétentions quant à l’existence d’une forme chronique de la maladie de Lyme.
CFS, Fibromyalgia, & unexplained symptoms misdiagnosed as Lyme