Case Study: A Patient Claiming Chronic Lyme Disease
The story of one patient who believed she had chronic Lyme disease.
Because patients deserve better
The story of one patient who believed she had chronic Lyme disease.
Chronic Lyme treatments can kill
Stories worth reading
Correcting misunderstandings about Lyme testing
Yes, there is a lot of false info online.
Because chronic Lyme is transmitted by word of mouth and the Internet.
CFS, Fibromyalgia, & unexplained symptoms misdiagnosed as Lyme
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool.
Under Our Skin is one of the most popular propaganda films for chronic Lyme conspiracy theories and quacks. In 2012, a post on the film’s Facebook page attempted to connect Lyme to various horrific acts of violence, such as the … Continued
Where does the grace period come from?
Why CD57 tests are like Ouija boards
Things to notice in a chronic Lyme story
Studies show a massive number of false positive Lyme diagnoses
Watch this short clip from Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Then consider some questions.
Another unnecessary therapy marketed for Lyme disease.
“Lyme literate” doctors and some parents falsely claim children are infested with “chronic Lyme”
Lyme disease is only spread by black legged ticks, typically after being attached 36-48 hours or more.