Steven Harris: Disciplined for intravenous garlic
The California Medical Board details apparent horrific treatment of three patients, including a teenager. But the doctor received a slap on the wrist.
Because patients deserve better
The California Medical Board details apparent horrific treatment of three patients, including a teenager. But the doctor received a slap on the wrist.
“Most of the things I was taught by the chronic Lyme community and by online groups later turned out to be false.”
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool.
A serious diagnosis delayed
According to the consensus of experts: No studies suggest a convincing causal association between Lyme disease and any specific psychiatric conditions. But chronic Lyme is a harmful anti-science movement that falsely blames all of life’s problems, including neurological and psychiatric … Continued
What may have begun as legitimate public advocacy about a new infectious agent has itself become a threat to public health.
Robert went to a “Lyme specialist” and underwent years of antibiotic treatment due to misdiagnosis of chronic Lyme disease. The true diagnosis was a brain tumor.
Stories of two children who received unnecessary diagnoses and prescriptions.