ILADS Sandra Denton: Surrendered medical license in Colorado, moved to Alaska
She ran a quack’s clinic.
Because patients deserve better
She ran a quack’s clinic.
Aszani Stoddard is a dangerous and unethical nurse practitioner who has been disciplined multiple times by state licensing boards. In 2004, the Wisconsin Board of Nursing disciplined Stoddard for dropping a baby. In 2016, the state of Illinois determined that … Continued
Another ILADS member with a troubling history.
Michael Andrew Arata is a doctor in Newport Beach, California doctor. He is associated with multiple known pseudoscience groups, including International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABIM), and the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). … Continued
Dana Rosdahl surrendered her nurse practitioner license in 2015 after the Arizona State Board of Nursing found her guilty of violating the Nurse Practice Act in relation to four complaints from patients. One of the complaints was from Alyssa Goodale, … Continued
Dr. Martha Grout is a dangerous quack doctor who is somehow still practicing medicine despite her role in the death of toddler Mercy Maynard and twice being found guilty of unprofessional conduct. Shady business Grout operates a for-profit business … Continued