ILADS, Martha Grout, and the Death of a Toddler

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Dr. Martha Grout is a dangerous quack doctor who is somehow still practicing medicine despite her role in the death of toddler Mercy Maynard and twice being found guilty of unprofessional conduct.


Shady business

Grout operates a for-profit business called Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine. Her web site advertises a number of discredited medical products, including breast thermography, homeopathy, energy medicine, bioimpedance analysis, and ozone.

Grout has also been a member of a number of pseudoscience groups, such as ILADS, Institute for Functional Medicine, and American Academy of Environmental Medicine.


Scottsdale Police Department: Mercy Maynard Police Report Obituary of Mercy Maynard

Cronkite News Arizona PBS: Prosecutors Continue To Examine Toddler’s Death By Cyanide Poisoning

Emilia David: Deadly Medicine

Quackwatch: Martha Grout, MD, Reprimanded by Arizona Medical Board

Medscape: Homeopathy Doc Gives Up Florida License After Toddler Death (original, mirror)

Health News Florida: Arizona Homeopathic Doc To Give Up FL License, 2015


Arizona Medical Board: Martha Grout Order for Decree of Censure and Civil Penalty, 2018

New York Board for Professional Misconduct: Martha Grout Consent Order, 2016

Florida State Board of Medicine: Martha Grout Final Order, 2015

Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs: Martha Grout Disciplinary Action, 2015

Arizona Medical Board: Martha Grout Reprimand, 2014

Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs: Martha Grout Complaint History