- New York Magazine/The Cut: What Happens When Lyme Disease Becomes an Identity?
- Boston Globe: Is ‘chronic Lyme disease’ real?
- 60 Minutes: A Prescription For Death? Did Alternative Treatment Lead To Patient’s Death?
- New York Times: Stalking Dr. Steere Over Lyme Disease (paywall-free link, mirror)
- New York Times: My Son Got Lyme Disease. He’s Totally Fine (paywall-free link)
- New York Times Ethicist: What to Do About a Physician Who May Be a Quack (paywall-free link)
- Bloomberg Businessweek: Dubious Alternative Lyme Treatments Are Killing Patients
- Chicago Tribune: Chronic Lyme disease: A dubious diagnosis
- Chicago Tribune: ‘Lyme-literate’ doctor in Illinois, Iowa faces fresh allegations
- Chicago Tribune: Lyme doctor with troubled past offers controversial treatment
- Metro: Woman underwent years of treatment for Lyme disease and needed a wheelchair – but her life was a lie
- Mother Jones: Is Romney Using Lyme Disease to Win Swing State Votes?
- Slate: Why Is Romney Campaigning on Medical Quackery?
- Slate: Lyme-Illiterate: New York is about to change its medical misconduct law to protect quacks.
- Slate: The New York Times Teaches the Controversy: Both sides are not equal when it comes to chronic Lyme disease.
- Slate: Still in the Lyme Light: Politicians and Hollywood enter the debate over “chronic Lyme disease.’
- Room for Debate at the New York Times: Antibiotics Are Not the Cure for ‘Chronic’ Lyme Symptoms
- Washington Post: Dangerous unproven treatments for ‘chronic Lyme disease’ are on the rise (paywall-free link)
- Washington Post: A GOP lawmaker thinks rise in Lyme disease is due to a secret tick experiment. A scientist squashes that idea. (paywall-free link)
- British Medical Journal: Sixty seconds on . . . Lyme disease
- Forbes: Lyme Inc.
- Forbes: Alternative Lyme Disease Doctors Are Still Wrong
- Health.com: “Chronic Lyme Disease” Isn’t a Real Diagnosis. So Why Are Doctors Prescribing Risky Treatment for It?
- Health.com: Is Lyme Disease Curable?
- Jezebel: How Celebrities Are Changing the Way We See Chronic Lyme
- Philadelphia Inquirer: Pa. woman says she was sickened by risky Lyme treatment
- Houston Press: Here’s Why Authorities Want to Stop the Sale of Jim Humble’s Miracle Cure
- The Daily Beast: Predator Doctors Take Advantage of Patients With ‘Chronic Lyme’ Scam
- The Daily Beast: Real Housewife, Fake Disease
- VICE News/MedPage Today: If You Think You Have Chronic Lyme Disease, Most Doctors Say You’re Wrong
- VICE: The Doctor Can Heal You Now (Exposé of Marvin Rick Sponaugle)
- Buzzfeed: Lawmakers Want The Pentagon To Investigate A Bizarre Conspiracy Theory That The Government Weaponized Ticks And Spread Lyme Disease
- Undark: In France’s Battles Over Lyme Disease, Lessons in Science Communication
- Skepchick: Lil Nas X Got Fooled by the “Chronic Lyme Disease” Scam
- Ars Technica: Report reveals years of suffering, death from therapies for “chronic Lyme”
- Steven Salzberg, PhD in Forbes: Long-Term Antibiotic Use For Lyme Disease Doesn’t Work, Study Finds
- Microbe: Lyme Disease—the Public Dimension
- Dr. Brad McKay: Why thousands of Aussies claim to have Lyme disease
- ScienceNews: Five reasons to not totally panic about ticks and Lyme disease
- Reading Eagle: ‘Chronic Lyme disease’ a troubling diagnosis
- Healio: Confronting the misnomer of ‘chronic’ Lyme disease
- Healio: Few Connecticut primary care physicians diagnose, treat chronic Lyme disease
- The State: ‘We were suckered in,’ widow says of doctor
- The Chronicle Herald: Experts warn of Internet ‘cures’ for Lyme disease
- Cassandra Willyard: The Pseudoscience of Chronic Lyme
- Emily Willingham: Pseudoscience Alert: Lyme-Induced Autism
- The Outline: Dear Fuck-Up: I don’t think my friend’s chronic illness is real. Is this the end of our friendship?
- Montreal Gazette: The chronic Lyme disease debate is not for the faint-hearted
- Folio: 3 surprising facts about Lyme disease
- Berkeley Wellness: Chronic Lyme Disease: What to know
- Harvard Health Letter: Lyme disease: spurious cures
- CTV/The Canadian Press: From urine therapy to vitamins: study warns of untested Lyme disease ‘cures’
- CMAJ: Combatting Lyme disease myths and the “chronic Lyme industry”
- New Haven Register: Confusion, myths live on about Lyme disease
- New England Health Advisory: Chronic Lyme Disease: Belief Over Science
- MedPage Today: Docs Organize to Promote Unproven Therapies They Believe In
- Katie Paulson: Woman’s Death Connected to Internet Self-Diagnosis
- AthenaInsight: The pediatrician’s new struggle over Lyme disease
- Erin Stewart: Anti-vax, anti-science and the pitfalls of sharing a ‘rare’ condition with a celebrity
- WebMD: Lyme Disease and Violence: No Link
- CBC Radio: Ombudman’s response to a conspiracy theorist
- CBC: Doctor who offers unapproved fecal transplants in B.C. says he’s a ‘maverick’
- Univadis: RCP 2018 – ‘Parallel Universe’ has developed around Lyme disease
- Beth Daley and colleagues writing for the New England Center for Investigative Reporting and Boston Globe, resulting in Daley winning a journalism award
- Can you trust Lyme Disease tests?
- Testing labs agree to pay $8.5 million to settle U.S. false billing claims
- Lyme disease FAQ
- Many tests to diagnose Lyme, but no proof they work
- Study finds cancer diagnoses delayed because of chronic Lyme misdiagnosis
- Drawing the lines in the Lyme disease battle
- Relative’s illness spurred examination of Lyme disease
- Video: Can you trust Lyme disease tests?
- Video: Extended Interview with Andrew Onderdonk
- USA Today/Burlington Free Press: A single drop of blood: No research or FDA approval behind doctor’s testing methods
- Microbe: Lyme Disease—the Public Dimension
- Medscape: Judge Dismisses Lyme Disease Lawsuit Against IDSA, Doctors, but the Ordeal Has Left Its Scars
- Medscape: Lyme Culture Test Causes Uproar
- Nigel Hawkes: Sixty seconds on . . . Lyme disease
- The Gateway: Canadians are seeking alternative medical treatment for Lyme disease in Mexico
- Thom Barker: Thinking Critically – Ticked off by flawed Lyme disease bill
- Politifact: Was Lyme disease spread as a bioweapon? No, that theory is Pants on Fire!
- Lead Stories: Fact Check: Lyme Disease Was NOT Invented In A Lab In 1975 — Its Bacteria Is Thousands Of Years Old
- E&E News: ‘Bioweapons’ and cover-ups: The untruths behind RFK Jr.’s disease claims
Spectrum: How a controversial condition called PANDAS is gaining ground on autism
- Le blog de Suzanne Ruhlmann: Debatbiomed
- Index from Science et pseudo-sciences: « Maladie de Lyme : et si le scandale était ailleurs ? » (Lyme disease: what if the scandal was elsewhere? )
- JIM: La face cachée des “Lyme Doctors”, (The hidden side of the “Lyme Doctors”), 2017-07-08
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Les « Lyme doctors » : un risque pour les patients (“Lyme doctors”: a risk for patients), 2017-12-13
- Science et pseudo-sciences: La maladie de Lyme : entre psychose et fausses informations (Lyme disease: between psychosis and false information), 2017-06-27
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Le point de vue d’un praticien (The point of view of a practitioner), 2017-10-17
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Un médecin peut-il prescrire librement ce qu’il veut ? (Can a doctor freely prescribe what he wants?), 2024-01-04
- Science et pseudo-sciences book reviews:
- L’affaire de la maladie de Lyme – Une enquête (The Lyme Disease Case – An Investigation), 2017-03-20
- Maladie de Lyme – Réalité ou imposture? (Review of Lyme Disease – Reality or Fake?), 2021-07-25
- La vérité sur la maladie de Lyme (Review of “The truth about Lyme disease” by Christian Perronne), 2017-10-16
- Le livre noir de l’autisme (The Black Book of Autism), 2021-04-18
- L’arbre du complotisme et la forêt de la désinformation (The tree of conspiracy and the forest of disinformation), 2020-12-02
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Covid-19: l’Afis condamne les graves dérapages du Pr Perronne relayés par plusieurs grands médias (Covid-19: Afis condemns the serious slippages of Professor Perronne relayed by several major media), 2020-06-22
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Maladie de Lyme La loi peut-elle dire la science à l’encontre du consensus scientifique et au mépris de l’intérêt des patients ? (Lyme disease: Can the law state science against scientific consensus and in disregard of the interests of patients?), 2019-10-08
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Maladie de Lyme : quand il devient impossible d’informer (Lyme disease: when it becomes impossible to inform), 2019-07-11
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Maladie de Lyme (prolongations, octobre 2016) (Lyme disease extensions, October 2016), 2019-04-22
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Maladie de Lyme (prolongations, juillet 2018) (Lyme disease extensions, July 2018), 2019-02-17
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Le vrai scandale de la maladie de Lyme (The real scandal of Lyme disease), 2017-10-30
- Science et pseudo-sciences: Maladie de Lyme : L’Obs a retrouvé le coupable (Lyme disease: L’Obs found the culprit), 2016-10-18
- La Presse: Docteur K (Amir Khadir), 2019-06-18
- La Presse: Maladie de Lyme: gare à l’alchimie législative (Lyme disease: beware of legislative alchemy, featuring Maureen McShane), 2019-06-20
- La Presse: Maladies transmises par les tiques | Mise en garde contre certains tests américains (Tick-borne diseases: Warning against certain American tests)
- La Presse: Primum non nocere
- Scientifique en chef du Québec/Agence Science-Presse: Séparer le fait de l’opinion: le cas de la maladie chronique de Lyme, 2019-06-28
- Le Journal du Dimanche: La maladie de Lyme en sept questions
- Le Journal du Dimanche: Maladie de Lyme, le complotisme appliqué aux acariens
- Radio Canada: Un autre cas de pseudo-science (Another case of pseudo-science)
- Voir aussi les articles sur Psiram.com
- Rue89 Strasbourg: Suzanne Ruhlmann, lanceuse d’alerte alsacienne sur les faux traitements pour « guérir » l’autisme (Suzanne Ruhlmann, Alsatian whistleblower on false treatments to “cure” autism), 2022-02-14
- TV2: “Fraud or Lyme Disease”
- Videnskab.dk: Danskere snydes af dårlige borrelia-test i udlandet (Danes are cheated by poor borrelia tests abroad)
- Zembla: Undercover in de Duitse Lyme-kliniek (Undercover in the German Lyme Clinic)
- Dutch News: This season I will suffer from…electrosensitivity
- NRC: Leven met lyme – of is het een andere ziekte? (Living with lyme – or is it another disease?)
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij
- Lyme Zelfhulpgroep verhuurt vreemde apparaten (Lyme Self-Help Group rents strange devices), 2019-12-02
- Lymepatiënten houden kwakzalvers in leven met fundraising (Lyme patients keep quacks alive with fundraising), 2018-01-02
- Rechters makkelijke prooi voor Lymekwakzalvers (Judges easy prey for Lyme quacks), 2017-11-27
- Lyme-‘held’ Geert Kingma gebruikt onbetrouwbare test (Lyme ‘hero’ Geert Kingma uses unreliable test), 2017-05-12
- Wageningen-hoogleraar Huub Savelkoul opnieuw in de fout (Wageningen professor Huub Savelkoul at fault again), 2016-05-11
- Zembla: Duitse Lyme-testen deugen niet (Zembla: German Lyme tests are wrong), 2017-10-20
- Articles and Video at De Monitor
- Lyme: een doolhof online (Lyme: a maze online)
- Held van Lyme-patiënten Geert Kingma prijst onbetrouwbare test aan (Hero of Lyme patients Geert Kingma praises unreliable test)
- De Lyme-lobby: uiterst invloedrijk, nooit tevreden (The Lyme lobby: extremely influential, never satisfied)
- Duits lab belooft 100 procent betrouwbare test op ziekte van Lyme (German lab promises 100 percent reliable test for Lyme disease)
- Lyme disease (25 minute video)
- El confidencial: La falsa enfermedad de Lyme: no, Justin, una garrapata no tiene la culpa de tus mareos
- OggiScienzia: Bismuto contro il morbo di Lyme (Bismuth against Lyme disease)
Radio and Podcasts
- WXXI News (NPR affiliate): Connections: Discussing the spread of – and controversy surrounding – Lyme disease
- Science Vs: Lyme Disease: How Scary Is It? (transcript with citations)
- This Podcast Will Kill You: Lyme Disease: I’d like to check you for ticks
- Dr. Nikki Stamp and Pixie Turner: (Un)Well 05: Bee Stings: The Bees Knees?
- Unbiased Science: In the Lyme Light: Beyond The Tick Bite (Part 1 | Part 2)
- Do You Believe in Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine: Chapter on Chronic Lyme by Dr. Paul Offit (Wikipedia, WorldCat, Google Books, Amazon)
- Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis: Chapter on Chronic Lyme by Dr. Lisa Sanders (Wikipedia, WorldCat, Google Books, Amazon)
- Snowball in a Blizzard: A Physician’s Notes on Uncertainty in Medicine by Dr. Steven Hatch (WorldCat, Google Books, Amazon)
- Lyme Disease: An Evidence-Based Approach, 1st edition, edited by Dr. John Jay Halperin (WorldCat, Google Books, Amazon)
- Free download: Chapter 17: Lyme disease: The Great Controversy
- Free download: Chapter 4: Laboratory Diagnostic Testing for Borrelia burgdorferi Infection
- Lyme Disease: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2nd edition, edited by Dr. John Jay Halperin (WorldCat, Google Books, Amazon)
Global News interview of Dr. David Patrick: Explaining the mysteries of Lyme disease
More discussion of Dr. Patrick’s work: How chronic Lyme disease recruits followers
Discussion of media coverage of Lyme disease
Petridou, et al. A retrospective observational study of Lyme neuroborreliosis in the southwest of England. 2020.
Cheema J, Prat SS. Multiple Sclerosis and Psychosis: A case report. 2019.
Phil Baker, PhD: Julia Bruzzese and the need for media responsibility
Pascal C, et al. Emergence of Lyme disease as a social problem: analysis of discourse using the media content. Eur J Public Health. 2019.
Brown JD. A Description of ‘Australian Lyme Disease’ Epidemiology and Impact: An Analysis of Submissions to an Australian Senate Inquiry. Intern Med J. 2018;48(4):422-426.
Yiannakoulias N, et al. Celebrity over science? An analysis of Lyme disease video content on YouTube. Soc Sci Med. 2017.
Peretti-watel P, et al. Lyme disease: Insight from social sciences. Med Mal Infect. 2019. [open manuscript]
Brian Palmer: The New York Times Teaches the Controversy
David Gorski: The Chicago Tribune, “chronic Lyme disease,” and demands for false balance
Skepp: Comments on Panorama broadcast about chronic Lyme
Skepp: Herbal Remedies for Lyme?
Skepp: Commentary on double interview John and Marc Crombez
Other LymeScience pages
- Doctor and scientist commentaries on “Chronic Lyme”
- Papers on chronic Lyme disease
- Scientific Consensus
- References showing massive false positive Lyme diagnoses
Newspapers image copyright Jon S and licensed under Creative Commons 2.0
Updated January 6, 2025