Tania Ash: Disciplined

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Tania Ash is a general practitioner in Malvern, Victoria, Australia. She is associated with the quackery-promoting groups International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) and Australian Chronic Infectious and Inflammatory Disease Society (ACIIDS).

ACIIDS advocates for unrecognized conditions like “chronic Lyme disease” and “Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome” (CIRS). Interestingly, there is no scientific evidence that Lyme disease can be transmitted to humans in Australia.

Ash is a partner and Clinical Director of Vitality Hub, a clinic that offers a cornucopia of dubious diagnoses and treatments. According to a brief biography of Ash, she received money from the pseudoscience group Karl McManus Foundation to travel “to the US in 2014 to train at the ILADS conference and under Dr Horowitz and Dr Shoemaker.” These doctors have beliefs that are not supported by mainstream science.

The Medical Board of Australia has taken action to protect the public.


Pending the outcome of an investigation by the Medical Board of Australia, Dr. Ash agreed to various undertakings. These undertakings include restrictions on prescribing of hormones, a requirement to submit to audits, and a requirement to be supervised.


According to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Ash was reprimanded as follows:

Dr Tania Ash is reprimanded to adhere at all times to the Medical Board of Australia’s Good Medical Practice Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia by ensuring that she practises medicine safely and effectively (1.4) and both recognises and works within the limits of her scope of practice (2.2.1).

The full description of Tania Louise Ash’s registration can be found on the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency website.


Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency: Disciplinary details

Psiram: Tania Ash